c++ - 我可以使用 decltype() 来避免显式模板实例化中的代码重复吗?

标签 c++ templates code-duplication decltype explicit-instantiation


template <typename T> void foo(lots ofargs, goin here, andeven more, ofthese arguments, they just, dont stop);

没有重载。我想显式实例化它。我可以写(比如 T = int):

template void foo<int>(lots ofargs, goin here, andeven more, ofthese arguments, they just, dont stop);


template <typename T> using bar = decltype(foo<T>);


template bar<int>;

现在,第一行编译(GCC 4.9.3),但第二行没有。我能让它以某种方式工作吗?或者我可以使用 decltype() 一些其他方式来避免复制实例化的声明吗?



当然。来自 [temp.explicit]:

The syntax for explicit instantiation is:
        externopt template declaration

[...] If the explicit instantiation is for a function or member function, the unqualified-id in the declaration shall be either a template-id or, where all template arguments can be deduced, a template-name or operator-function-id. [ Note: The declaration may declare a qualified-id, in which case the unqualified-id of the qualified-id must be a template-id. —end note ]


template <class T> void foo(T ) { }


template void foo<char>(char );   // template-id
template void foo(int );          // or just template-name, if the types can be deduced


using Fc = void(char );
using Fi = void(int );

template Fc foo<char>;
template Fi foo;


template <class T> using F = decltype(foo<T> );

template F<char> foo<char>;
template F<int> foo;

基本上,template bar<int> 的原因不起作用是因为它不是声明。你也需要这个名字。

关于c++ - 我可以使用 decltype() 来避免显式模板实例化中的代码重复吗?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36558915/


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