scala - 如何从 AutoPlugin 修改 Compile 中的 sourceGenerators?

标签 scala sbt code-generation sbt-plugin

我正在使用新的 AutoPlugin 机制为 sbt 编写代码生成插件。我需要修改sourceGenerators in Compile设置,但当我从插件中执行此操作时,它不起作用。调用compile后,屏幕上没有打印任何内容。

但是,如果我采取 sourceGenerators in Compile <+= (mySourceGenerator in Compile) 行并将其移至build.sbt该项目突然sourceGenerators in Compile设置被修改,当我运行编译任务时,消息被写入屏幕。


package net.lopezbobeda.plugin

import sbt._
import Keys._
import{ File, Writer }

object MyPlugin extends AutoPlugin {
  // by defining autoImport, the settings are automatically imported into user's `*.sbt`
  object autoImport {
    // configuration points, like the built-in `version`, `libraryDependencies`, or `compile`
    lazy val mySourceGenerator = taskKey[Seq[File]]("Generate")

    // default values for the tasks and settings
    lazy val baseXtendPluginSettings: Seq[Def.Setting[_]] = Seq(
      mySourceGenerator in Compile := {
        val s: TaskStreams = streams.value"Generating! "  + sourceManaged.value)
      sourceGenerators in Compile <+= (mySourceGenerator in Compile) // if I put this line in build.sbt everything works as expected.


  override def trigger = allRequirements

  import autoImport._

  override val projectSettings = baseXtendPluginSettings



问题是 JVM 插件重置了 sourceGenerators 设置。解决办法就是添加:

override def requires = JvmPlugin


How to generate sources in an sbt plugin?

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