c++ - std::condition_variables 可以用作计数信号量吗?

标签 c++ multithreading c++11 semaphore condition-variable

这是 Can C++11 condition_variables be used to synchronize processes? 的后续行动.

std::condition_variable 对象可以用作计数信号量吗?

我认为不是因为对象似乎绑定(bind)到 std::mutex,这意味着它只能用作二进制信号量。我在网上看过,包括here , here , 和 here , 但找不到将这些对象用作计数信号量的引用或示例。



struct counting_sem {
  counting_sem(std::ptrdiff_t init=0):count(init) {}
  // remove in C++17:
  counting_sem(counting_sem&& src) {
    auto l = src.lock(); // maybe drop, as src is supposed to be dead
    count = src.count;
  counting_sem& operator=(counting_sem&& src) = delete;
  void take( std::size_t N=1 ) {
    if (N==0) return;
    auto l = lock();
    cv.wait(l, [&]{
      if (count > 0 && count < (std::ptrdiff_t)N) {
        N -= count;
        count = 0;
      } else if (count >= (std::ptrdiff_t)N) {
        count -= N;
        N = 0;
      return N == 0;
  void give( std::size_t N=1 ) {
    if (N==0) return;
      auto l = lock();
      count += N;
  // reduce the count without waiting for it
  void reduce(std::size_t N=1) {
    if (N==0) return;
    auto l = lock();
    count -= N;
  std::mutex m;
  std::condition_variable cv;
  std::ptrdiff_t count;

  auto lock() {
    return std::unique_lock<std::mutex>(m);
  auto unlocked() {
    return std::unique_lock<std::mutex>(m, std::defer_lock_t{});


take(7) 不等同于 for(repeat 7 times) take():相反,如果不是这样,它会尽可能多地进行阻塞够了。


      if (count >= (std::ptrdiff_t)N) {
        count -= N;
        N = 0;

关于c++ - std::condition_variables 可以用作计数信号量吗?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40335671/


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