httprequest - 我如何在 pecl_http 库中使用发布请求

标签 httprequest pecl

hotelbeds api

需要用一些字段的post请求的api,但我不知道字段将被添加到哪里!! (在 GET 请求中,我像任何请求一样在 url 中添加字段)

API 代码


$apiKey = "8z8a7tupn5hubhjxqh8ubuz7";
$sharedSecret = "jsSJq2msbU";
$signature = hash("sha256", $apiKey.$sharedSecret.time());

$endpoint = "";

$request = new \http\Client\Request("POST",
    [ "Api-Key"     => $apiKey,
    "X-Signature" => $signature,
    "Accept"      => "application/json" ,

$client = new \http\Client;


$response = $client->getResponse();

    echo "<pre>";
    echo "</pre>";

api 说

The available filters for the search is listed below.

It contains an array of filter with the following structure:

[{"searchFilterItems": [{"type": "destination", "value": "BCN"}]}]

The Object “searchFilterItems” contains the following attributes: type > and value.

The following examples illustrate the different types and values for > each filter:


{"type": "country", "value": "PT"}


我遇到了同样的问题,花了我一段时间才弄明白。原来你需要使用 Body 类来表示帖子数据。

$msg = new http\Message\Body();
  'field1' => 'value',
  'field2' => 'value2'

$headers = null;

$request = new http\Client\Request('POST', '', $headers, $msg);

$client = new http\Client();

$response = $client->getResponse();

在 Message 和 Body 类中还有一些方法可以用于包含文件等。

关于httprequest - 我如何在 pecl_http 库中使用发布请求,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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