c - 如何将指针传递给数组而不衰减,并在野蛮人的函数中使用 'reference'?

标签 c pebble-watch pebble-sdk

我读过很多关于将数组传递给函数的讨论。它们似乎是为精通 C 的人编写的。我是一个尚未精通 C 的野蛮人。



如果在函数中更改数组,我希望更改数组的源。我想尽量减少额外的内存分配。 而且,如果可能的话,我想调整函数内数组的大小。


// this works
j = sizeof(hourLongs)/sizeof(hourLongs[0]);
i = 0; while (now > hourLongs[i] && i < j){i++;}  
hour = --i; 


hour = compareToLongs(&now, hourLongs, (int)(sizeof(hourLongs)/sizeof(hourLongs[0])) ); 

// long *, long * , int -> int 
// compare time to array of times.
static int compareToLongs(long * time, long * timeList_pointer, int size){
  i = 0; while (*time> (timeList_pointer)[i] && i < size){i++;}  
  return --i;


hour = compareToLongs(&now, &hourLongs); 

// long *, (long (*) [])*  -> int 
// compare time to array of times.
static int compareToLongs(long * time, long ** timeList_pointer){
  int size = (int)(sizeof(*timeList_pointer)/sizeof(*timeList_pointer[0]));
  i = 0; while (*time> (i < size && *timeList_pointer)[i]){i++;}
  return --i;

编辑:hourLongs 是一个长整数数组。




给 sizeof() 一个允许确定大小的地址。这就是我想传递给我的函数的地址。

是否有原因导致我无法将传递给 sizeof() 的内容传递给我的函数?

编辑:由于 sizeof() 的操作表明可以在没有“指针衰减”的情况下传递数组。 user529758 在 this discussion 中给出了三个示例

in C99 there are three fundamental cases, namely:
1. when it's the argument of the & (address-of) operator.
2. when it's the argument of the sizeof operator.
3. When it's a string literal of type char [N + 1] or a wide string literal of type wchar_t [N + 1] (N is the length of the string) which is used to initialize an array, as in char str[] = "foo"; or wchar_t wstr[] = L"foo";.







int main(void)
    int arr_a[2] = {22, 33};
    int arr_b[5] = {6, 7, 8, 9, 10};

    foo(arr_a); // Here arr_a decays to an `int *`
    foo(arr_b); // Here arr_b decays to an `int *` too

    return 0;

void foo(int *arr)
    /* Here sizeof(arr) will always give the size of 
     * an `int *` which maybe 4 or 8 bytes depending
     * on platform. It does not matter weather arr_a
     * or arr_b was passed from main.   
     * And because sizeof(arr) always gives the sameresult, 
     * we cannot use sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]) to calculate 
     * the size of array that was passed.

     /* This value will always be the same, 
      * regardless of what was passed */



void foo(int arr[]) { ... }


void foo(int *arr) { ... }

编译器会默默地将 int arr[] 更改为 int *arr。因此,将 int arr[] 作为参数不会有任何区别。

接下来,您可能会考虑传递数组的地址(通过执行&arr_name)。但是,请注意,&arr_name 是一个指向数组(具有一定大小)的指针,它与指向数组的指针不同指向基础数据类型的指针。这次你做了这样的事情。

void foo(void) {
    int arr_a[2] = {22, 33};
    int arr_b[3] = {7, 8, 9};
     bar(&arr_a); // Note here that type of `&arr_a`  is `int (*)[2]`,
                  // i.e. a `pointer to int array of 2 elements`, which is
                  // different from a `pionter to pointer to int`

     bar(&arr_b); // Note here that type of `&arr_b`  is `int (*)[3]`,
                  // i.e. a `pointer to int array of 3 elements`, which is
                  // different from a `int (*)[2]`, 
                  // i.e a `pointer to int array of 2 elements`
                  // Note that this will give ERROR. See comments in bar()
    return 0;

void bar(int (*arr)[2]) {
      * The caller of this function can ONLY pass int arrays with
      * 2 elements. Caller CANNOT pass int array with 3 elemens, or
      * 1 element, or 5 element.
      * This means you ALWAYS KNOW the size of arrays being passed,
      * and although you can calculate the size by doing
      * sizeof(*arr)/sizeof(*arr[0]); 
      * There is no point in calculating it - you alreay know the size 

所以,基本上你甚至不能通过传递&array_name来传递指向数组的指针来解决这个问题,因为你将需要不同的函数来接受不同大小的数组。例如,void bar_2(int (*arr)[2]) {...} 接受指向 2 个整数的数组的指针,以及 void bar_3(int (*arr)[3]) {...} 接受指向 3 个整数的数组的指针。此外,在这些函数中计算大小是没有意义的,正如您已经知道的那样。


void foo() {
    int arr_a[2] = {22, 33};
    int arr_b[5] = {6, 7, 8, 9, 10};
    int *ptr;
    ptr = &arr_a[0];
    bar(&ptr); // Passing pointer to pointer to int (int **)
    ptr = &arr_b[0];
    bar(&ptr); // Passing pointer to pointer to int (int **)

void bar(int **pptr) {
    /* This will always be the same. 
     * i.e. the size of an integer pointer 
     * So here again you cannot use 
     * sizeof(*pptr)/sizeof((*pptr)[0]) to calculate the size
     * as it will always give the same result */

     sizeof(*pptr)/sizeof((*pptr)[0]) // Always same, no matter what was
                                      // passed by the caller


因此,您会看到,无论您做什么,都无法通过在被调用函数中使用 sizeof() 找到数组的大小。 仅当调用者传递此信息时,被调用函数才能知道数组的大小。


 i = 0; while (now > hourLongs[i] && i < j){i++;}  // AND
 i = 0; while (*time> (timeList_pointer)[i] && i < size){i++;} 

while 循环中的条件顺序应该相反。应该是

 i = 0; while ( i < j && now > hourLongs[i]){i++;}  // AND
 i = 0; while (i < size && *time> (timeList_pointer)[i]){i++;} 

这是因为,您必须首先检查 i 是否在数组范围内,然后仅计算 hourLongs[i](timeList_pointer) [i].

关于c - 如何将指针传递给数组而不衰减,并在野蛮人的函数中使用 'reference'?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38858594/


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