php - 使用循环生成多个PDF文档

标签 php laravel pdf-generation

这是我的 Laravel Controller 之一中的一些代码,用于生成多个时间表 PDF。它只创建 1 个,我确信这是由于 return 语句造成的,但我如何让它创建所有 PDF?我正在使用 barryvdh/laravel-dompdf。

public function alltimesheets(Request $request)
        $weeks = Timesheet::where('week_ending', $request->week_ending)->get();
        $week_ending = Carbon::parse($request->week_ending)->format('d-m-Y');
        foreach($weeks as $hours)

            $pdf = PDF::loadView('pdf.timesheet', compact('hours', 'week_ending'));
            $sheet = $pdf->setPaper('a4', 'landscape');
            return $sheet->download($hours->user->name.' - '.$week_ending.'.pdf');


首先将所有 View html 放入一个变量中,然后将其传递给 PDF。


public function alltimesheets(Request $request)
    $weeks = Timesheet::where('week_ending', $request->week_ending)->get();
    $week_ending = Carbon::parse($request->week_ending)->format('d-m-Y');
    $html = '';
    foreach($weeks as $hours)
        $view = view('pdf.timesheet')->with(compact('hours', 'week_ending'));
        $html .= $view->render();
    $pdf = PDF::loadHTML($html);            
    $sheet = $pdf->setPaper('a4', 'landscape');
    return $sheet->download('download.pdf');  // $hours can not be accessed outside foreach. So changed the file name to `download.pdf`.

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