spring-boot - 打开 "Whitelabel Error Page"时获取 "/actuator/mappings"

标签 spring-boot spring-boot-actuator

我是 spring-cloud 的新手,所以我正在使用视频教程,因此要阅读公开的端点,我尝试打开 http://localhost:8000/actuator/mappings但它对我不起作用,但/health 网址给了我以下结果:

enter image description here


class MessageRestController {

  private String message;

  String getMessage() {
      return this.message;


    <relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
<description>Demo project for Spring Boot</description>




enter image description here



在/refresh 上执行 Post 时给出:未找到错误

curl -d {} http://localhost:8000/actuator/refresh

enter image description here

spring-boot-actuator jar 版本 = 2.1.3


默认 management.endpoints.web.exposure.include、信息、健康

management.endpoints.web.exposure.include = * //will allow all endpoints to be exposed

management.endpoints.web.exposure.include=health,info # Endpoint IDs that should be included or '*' for all.
management.endpoints.web.exposure.exclude= # Endpoint IDs that should be excluded or '*' for all.
management.endpoints.web.base-path=/actuator # Base path for Web endpoints. Relative to server.servlet.context-path or management.server.servlet.context-path if management.server.port is configured.
management.endpoints.web.path-mapping= # Mapping between endpoint IDs and the path that should expose them.


management.endpoint.health.roles= # Roles used to determine whether or not a user is authorized to be shown details. When empty, all authenticated users are authorized. //for health

management.endpoint.health.show-details=always,never # When to show full health details.


management.endpoint.(endpointName).enabled=true # Whether to enable the health endpoint.
e.g. management.endpoint.health.enabled=true

关于spring-boot - 打开 "Whitelabel Error Page"时获取 "/actuator/mappings",我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55399978/


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