jenkins - 如何在 Jenkins 声明式管道的所有阶段获取 Jenkins 凭据变量

标签 jenkins jenkins-pipeline jenkins-plugins credentials

如何获取 Jenkins 凭证变量,即“mysqlpassword”,可供 Jenkins 声明性管道的所有阶段访问?


node {
  stage('Getting Database Credentials') {
    withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'mysql_creds', passwordVariable: 'mysqlpassword', usernameVariable: 'mysqlusername')]) 
        creds = "\nUsername: ${mysqlusername}\nPassword: ${mysqlpassword}\n"
        println creds

如何将上述代码合并到当前管道中,以便管道脚本中的所有阶段(即全局)都可以访问 mysqlusername 和 mysqlpassword 变量。


pipeline {          //indicate the job is written in Declarative Pipeline

    agent { label 'Prod_Slave' }

    environment {
                     STAGE_2_EXECUTED = "0"

        stages {
            stage ("First Stage")  {
                     steps {
                echo "First called in pipeline"
                                script {
                        echo "Inside script of First stage"

          }       // end of first stage

            stage ("Second Stage")  {
                     steps {
                echo "Second stage called in pipeline"
                                script {
                        echo "Inside script of Second stage"

          }     // end of second stage

   }      //end of stages
}      // end of pipeline

我使用的是最新版本的 Jenkins。



你可以做这样的事情。在这里,您可以在 environment { } 下定义变量,并在整个阶段中使用它。

pipeline {
agent any
   environment {
        // More detail: 
        MYSQL_CRED = credentials('mysql_creds')
stages {
    stage('Run Some Command') {
            echo "Running some command"
            sh '<some-command> -u $MYSQL_CRED_USR -p $MYSQL_CRED_PSW'

环境下定义的变量对于所有阶段都是全局的,因此可以在整个 jenkinsfile 中使用。

有关 official documentation 中的 credentials() 的更多信息.

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