c++ - 在C/C++结构中添加UNUSED元素会加快并减慢代码执行速度

标签 c++ optimization arduino avr


如所写,代码的ISR部分(eRCaGuy_SoftwarePWMupdate())处理此结构的数组,需要 133us来运行。但是很奇怪,如果我取消注释“byte flags1;”行,则为。 (在struct中),尽管flags1尚未在任何地方使用,但ISR现在需要158us 来运行。然后,如果我取消注释“byte flags2;”因此现在 BOTH标志都已取消注释,运行时回落到(133us)之前的位置。

为什么会这样呢?以及我该如何解决? (即:对于该特定功能,我想确保始终如一的快速代码,而不是难以解释的代码)。增加一个字节会大大降低代码的速度,而增加两个字节则完全不会改变。




typedef struct softPWMpin //global struct
  //for pin write access:
  volatile byte pinBitMask;
  volatile byte* volatile p_PORT_out; //pointer to port output register; NB: the 1st "volatile" says the port itself (1 byte) is volatile, the 2nd "volatile" says the *pointer* itself (2 bytes, pointing to the port) is volatile.
  //for PWM output:
  volatile unsigned long resolution;
  volatile unsigned long PWMvalue; //Note: duty cycle = PWMvalue/(resolution - 1) = PWMvalue/topValue;
                          //ex: if resolution is 256, topValue is 255
                          //if PWMvalue = 255, duty_cycle = PWMvalue/topValue = 255/255 = 1 = 100%
                          //if PWMvalue = 50, duty_cycle = PWMvalue/topValue = 50/255 = 0.196 = 19.6%
  //byte flags1;
  //byte flags2;

  unsigned long counter; //incremented each time update() is called; goes back to zero after reaching topValue; does NOT need to be volatile, since only the update function updates this (it is read-to or written from nowhere else)
} softPWMpin_t; 

在.h文件中(新,使用C++样式struct ....查看注释是否有任何区别。它似乎没有任何区别,包括运行时和编译后的大小)
struct softPWMpin //global struct
  //for pin write access:
  volatile byte pinBitMask;
  volatile byte* volatile p_PORT_out; //pointer to port output register; NB: the 1st "volatile" says the port itself (1 byte) is volatile, the 2nd "volatile" says the *pointer* itself (2 bytes, pointing to the port) is volatile.
  //for PWM output:
  volatile unsigned long resolution;
  volatile unsigned long PWMvalue; //Note: duty cycle = PWMvalue/(resolution - 1) = PWMvalue/topValue;
                          //ex: if resolution is 256, topValue is 255
                          //if PWMvalue = 255, duty_cycle = PWMvalue/topValue = 255/255 = 1 = 100%
                          //if PWMvalue = 50, duty_cycle = PWMvalue/topValue = 50/255 = 0.196 = 19.6%
  //byte flags1;
  //byte flags2;

  unsigned long counter; //incremented each time update() is called; goes back to zero after reaching topValue; does NOT need to be volatile, since only the update function updates this (it is read-to or written from nowhere else)

//static softPWMpin_t PWMpins[MAX_NUMBER_SOFTWARE_PWM_PINS]; //C-style, old, MAX_NUMBER_SOFTWARE_PWM_PINS = 20; static to give it file scope only
static softPWMpin PWMpins[MAX_NUMBER_SOFTWARE_PWM_PINS]; //C++-style, old, MAX_NUMBER_SOFTWARE_PWM_PINS = 20; static to give it file scope only

//This function must be placed within an ISR, to be called at a fixed interval
void eRCaGuy_SoftwarePWMupdate()
  //Forced nonatomic block (ie: interrupts *enabled*)
  byte SREG_old = SREG; //[1 clock cycle]
  interrupts(); //[1 clock cycle] turn interrupts ON to allow *nested interrupts* (ex: handling of time-sensitive timing, such as reading incoming PWM signals or counting Timer2 overflows)
    //first, increment all counters of attached pins (ie: where the value != PIN_NOT_ATTACHED)
    for (byte pin=0; pin<NUM_DIGITAL_PINS; pin++)
      byte i = pinMapArray[pin]; //[2 clock cycles: 0.125us]; No need to turn off interrupts to read this volatile variable here since reading pinMapArray[pin] is an atomic operation (since it's a single byte)
      if (i != PIN_NOT_ATTACHED) //if the pin IS attached, increment counter and decide what to do with pin...
        //Read volatile variables ONE time, all at once, to optimize code (volatile variables take more time to read [I know] since their values can't be recalled from registers [I believe]).
        noInterrupts(); //[1 clock cycle] turn off interrupts to read non-atomic volatile variables that could be updated simultaneously right now in another ISR, since nested interrupts are enabled here
        unsigned long resolution = PWMpins[i].resolution;
        unsigned long PWMvalue = PWMpins[i].PWMvalue;
        volatile byte* p_PORT_out = PWMpins[i].p_PORT_out; //[0.44us raw: 5 clock cycles, 0.3125us]
        interrupts(); //[1 clock cycle]

        //handle edge cases FIRST (PWMvalue==0 and PMWvalue==topValue), since if an edge case exists we should NOT do the main case handling below
        if (PWMvalue==0) //the PWM command is 0% duty cycle
          fastDigitalWrite(p_PORT_out,PWMpins[i].pinBitMask,LOW); //write LOW [1.19us raw: 17 clock cycles, 1.0625us]
        else if (PWMvalue==resolution-1) //the PWM command is 100% duty cycle
          fastDigitalWrite(p_PORT_out,PWMpins[i].pinBitMask,HIGH); //write HIGH [0.88us raw; 12 clock cycles, 0.75us]
        //THEN handle main cases (PWMvalue is > 0 and < topValue)
        else //(0% < PWM command < 100%)
          PWMpins[i].counter++; //not volatile
          if (PWMpins[i].counter >= resolution)
            PWMpins[i].counter = 0; //reset
          else if (PWMpins[i].counter>=PWMvalue)
            fastDigitalWrite(p_PORT_out,PWMpins[i].pinBitMask,LOW); //write LOW [1.18us raw: 17 clock cycles, 1.0625us]
  SREG = SREG_old; //restore interrupt enable status



这是我修改.h文件中的结构以添加属性的方法(位于最后一行)。 请注意,我还将struct成员的顺序更改为从最大到最小:
struct softPWMpin //C++ style
  volatile unsigned long resolution;
  volatile unsigned long PWMvalue; //Note: duty cycle = PWMvalue/(resolution - 1) = PWMvalue/topValue;
                          //ex: if resolution is 256, topValue is 255
                          //if PWMvalue = 255, duty_cycle = PWMvalue/topValue = 255/255 = 1 = 100%
                          //if PWMvalue = 50, duty_cycle = PWMvalue/topValue = 50/255 = 0.196 = 19.6%
  unsigned long counter; //incremented each time update() is called; goes back to zero after reaching topValue; does NOT need to be volatile, since only the update function updates this (it is read-to or written from nowhere else)
  volatile byte* volatile p_PORT_out; //pointer to port output register; NB: the 1st "volatile" says the port itself (1 byte) is volatile, the 2nd "volatile" says the *pointer* itself (2 bytes, pointing to the port) is volatile.
  volatile byte pinBitMask;

  // byte flags1;
  // byte flags2;
} __attribute__ ((aligned));


__attribute__ ((aligned));  
__attribute__ ((aligned(1)));  
__attribute__ ((aligned(2)));  
__attribute__ ((aligned(4)));  
__attribute__ ((aligned(8)));  

当我添加一个标志字节时,它们似乎都无法解决我看到的问题。当将标志字节注释掉时,2-8个字节使运行时长于133us,而align 1则无差异(运行时停留133us),这意味着在未添加属性的情况下这已经存在完全没有。此外,即使使用2、4、8的align选项,sizeof(PWMvalue)函数仍会返回结构中的确切字节数,而无需其他填充。



优化级别肯定会产生影响。例如,当我将编译器优化级别从-Os更改为-O2时,基本情况仍为133us(与以前一样),取消注释flags 1给我120us(vs 158us),而取消注释flags和flags2同时给我132us(vs 133us)。 )。这仍然不能回答我的问题,但是我至少了解到存在优化级别,以及如何更改它们。

Processing time of (of eRCaGuy_SoftwarePWMupdate() function)
Optimization   No flags     w/flags1     w/flags1+flags2
Os             133us        158us        133us
O2             132us        120us        132us

Memory Use (bytes: flash/global vars SRAM/sizeof(softPWMpin)/sizeof(PWMpins))
Optimization   No flags          w/flags1          w/flags1+flags2
Os             4020/591/15/300   3950/611/16/320   4020/631/17/340
O2             4154/591/15/300   4064/611/16/320   4154/631/17/340

  • 刚刚使用更详细的信息更新了上面的表。
  • 在下面添加了资源。

  • 资源:


    如何在Arduino IDE中更改编译器设置:



    为8位Atmel AVR微 Controller 编写高效的C代码
    -AVR4027为8位AVR微 Controller 优化C代码的技巧和窍门-doc8453-http://www.atmel.com/images/doc8453.pdf


    FOR NO FLAGS(已将flags1和flags2注释掉)和Os Optimization
    build.arch = AVR
    build.board = AVR_UNO
    build.core = arduino
    build.core.path = C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\cores\arduino
    build.extra_flags = 
    build.f_cpu = 16000000L
    build.mcu = atmega328p
    build.path = C:\Users\Gabriel\AppData\Local\Temp\build8427371380606368699.tmp
    build.project_name = software_PWM_fade13_speed_test2.cpp
    build.system.path = C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\system
    build.usb_flags = -DUSB_VID={build.vid} -DUSB_PID={build.pid} '-DUSB_MANUFACTURER={build.usb_manufacturer}' '-DUSB_PRODUCT={build.usb_product}'
    build.usb_manufacturer = 
    build.variant = standard
    build.variant.path = C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\variants\standard
    build.verbose = true
    build.warn_data_percentage = 75
    compiler.S.extra_flags = 
    compiler.S.flags = -c -g -x assembler-with-cpp
    compiler.ar.cmd = avr-ar
    compiler.ar.extra_flags = 
    compiler.ar.flags = rcs
    compiler.c.cmd = avr-gcc
    compiler.c.elf.cmd = avr-gcc
    compiler.c.elf.extra_flags = 
    compiler.c.elf.flags = -w -Os -Wl,--gc-sections
    compiler.c.extra_flags = 
    compiler.c.flags = -c -g -Os -w -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -MMD
    compiler.cpp.cmd = avr-g++
    compiler.cpp.extra_flags = 
    compiler.cpp.flags = -c -g -Os -w -fno-exceptions -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-threadsafe-statics -MMD
    compiler.elf2hex.cmd = avr-objcopy
    compiler.elf2hex.extra_flags = 
    compiler.elf2hex.flags = -O ihex -R .eeprom
    compiler.ldflags = 
    compiler.objcopy.cmd = avr-objcopy
    compiler.objcopy.eep.extra_flags = 
    compiler.objcopy.eep.flags = -O ihex -j .eeprom --set-section-flags=.eeprom=alloc,load --no-change-warnings --change-section-lma .eeprom=0
    compiler.path = {runtime.ide.path}/hardware/tools/avr/bin/
    compiler.size.cmd = avr-size

    00000328 <_Z25eRCaGuy_SoftwarePWMupdatev>:
     328:   8f 92           push    r8
     32a:   9f 92           push    r9
     32c:   af 92           push    r10
     32e:   bf 92           push    r11
     330:   cf 92           push    r12
     332:   df 92           push    r13
     334:   ef 92           push    r14
     336:   ff 92           push    r15
     338:   0f 93           push    r16
     33a:   1f 93           push    r17
     33c:   cf 93           push    r28
     33e:   df 93           push    r29
     340:   0f b7           in  r16, 0x3f   ; 63
     342:   78 94           sei
     344:   20 e0           ldi r18, 0x00   ; 0
     346:   30 e0           ldi r19, 0x00   ; 0
     348:   1f e0           ldi r17, 0x0F   ; 15
     34a:   f9 01           movw    r30, r18
     34c:   e8 5a           subi    r30, 0xA8   ; 168
     34e:   fe 4f           sbci    r31, 0xFE   ; 254
     350:   80 81           ld  r24, Z
     352:   8f 3f           cpi r24, 0xFF   ; 255
     354:   09 f4           brne    .+2         ; 0x358 <_Z25eRCaGuy_SoftwarePWMupdatev+0x30>
     356:   67 c0           rjmp    .+206       ; 0x426 <_Z25eRCaGuy_SoftwarePWMupdatev+0xfe>
     358:   f8 94           cli
     35a:   90 e0           ldi r25, 0x00   ; 0
     35c:   18 9f           mul r17, r24
     35e:   f0 01           movw    r30, r0
     360:   19 9f           mul r17, r25
     362:   f0 0d           add r31, r0
     364:   11 24           eor r1, r1
     366:   e4 59           subi    r30, 0x94   ; 148
     368:   fe 4f           sbci    r31, 0xFE   ; 254
     36a:   c0 80           ld  r12, Z
     36c:   d1 80           ldd r13, Z+1    ; 0x01
     36e:   e2 80           ldd r14, Z+2    ; 0x02
     370:   f3 80           ldd r15, Z+3    ; 0x03
     372:   44 81           ldd r20, Z+4    ; 0x04
     374:   55 81           ldd r21, Z+5    ; 0x05
     376:   66 81           ldd r22, Z+6    ; 0x06
     378:   77 81           ldd r23, Z+7    ; 0x07
     37a:   04 84           ldd r0, Z+12    ; 0x0c
     37c:   f5 85           ldd r31, Z+13   ; 0x0d
     37e:   e0 2d           mov r30, r0
     380:   78 94           sei
     382:   41 15           cp  r20, r1
     384:   51 05           cpc r21, r1
     386:   61 05           cpc r22, r1
     388:   71 05           cpc r23, r1
     38a:   51 f4           brne    .+20        ; 0x3a0 <_Z25eRCaGuy_SoftwarePWMupdatev+0x78>
     38c:   18 9f           mul r17, r24
     38e:   d0 01           movw    r26, r0
     390:   19 9f           mul r17, r25
     392:   b0 0d           add r27, r0
     394:   11 24           eor r1, r1
     396:   a4 59           subi    r26, 0x94   ; 148
     398:   be 4f           sbci    r27, 0xFE   ; 254
     39a:   1e 96           adiw    r26, 0x0e   ; 14
     39c:   4c 91           ld  r20, X
     39e:   3b c0           rjmp    .+118       ; 0x416 <_Z25eRCaGuy_SoftwarePWMupdatev+0xee>
     3a0:   46 01           movw    r8, r12
     3a2:   57 01           movw    r10, r14
     3a4:   a1 e0           ldi r26, 0x01   ; 1
     3a6:   8a 1a           sub r8, r26
     3a8:   91 08           sbc r9, r1
     3aa:   a1 08           sbc r10, r1
     3ac:   b1 08           sbc r11, r1
     3ae:   48 15           cp  r20, r8
     3b0:   59 05           cpc r21, r9
     3b2:   6a 05           cpc r22, r10
     3b4:   7b 05           cpc r23, r11
     3b6:   51 f4           brne    .+20        ; 0x3cc <_Z25eRCaGuy_SoftwarePWMupdatev+0xa4>
     3b8:   18 9f           mul r17, r24
     3ba:   d0 01           movw    r26, r0
     3bc:   19 9f           mul r17, r25
     3be:   b0 0d           add r27, r0
     3c0:   11 24           eor r1, r1
     3c2:   a4 59           subi    r26, 0x94   ; 148
     3c4:   be 4f           sbci    r27, 0xFE   ; 254
     3c6:   1e 96           adiw    r26, 0x0e   ; 14
     3c8:   9c 91           ld  r25, X
     3ca:   1c c0           rjmp    .+56        ; 0x404 <_Z25eRCaGuy_SoftwarePWMupdatev+0xdc>
     3cc:   18 9f           mul r17, r24
     3ce:   e0 01           movw    r28, r0
     3d0:   19 9f           mul r17, r25
     3d2:   d0 0d           add r29, r0
     3d4:   11 24           eor r1, r1
     3d6:   c4 59           subi    r28, 0x94   ; 148
     3d8:   de 4f           sbci    r29, 0xFE   ; 254
     3da:   88 85           ldd r24, Y+8    ; 0x08
     3dc:   99 85           ldd r25, Y+9    ; 0x09
     3de:   aa 85           ldd r26, Y+10   ; 0x0a
     3e0:   bb 85           ldd r27, Y+11   ; 0x0b
     3e2:   01 96           adiw    r24, 0x01   ; 1
     3e4:   a1 1d           adc r26, r1
     3e6:   b1 1d           adc r27, r1
     3e8:   88 87           std Y+8, r24    ; 0x08
     3ea:   99 87           std Y+9, r25    ; 0x09
     3ec:   aa 87           std Y+10, r26   ; 0x0a
     3ee:   bb 87           std Y+11, r27   ; 0x0b
     3f0:   8c 15           cp  r24, r12
     3f2:   9d 05           cpc r25, r13
     3f4:   ae 05           cpc r26, r14
     3f6:   bf 05           cpc r27, r15
     3f8:   40 f0           brcs    .+16        ; 0x40a <_Z25eRCaGuy_SoftwarePWMupdatev+0xe2>
     3fa:   18 86           std Y+8, r1 ; 0x08
     3fc:   19 86           std Y+9, r1 ; 0x09
     3fe:   1a 86           std Y+10, r1    ; 0x0a
     400:   1b 86           std Y+11, r1    ; 0x0b
     402:   9e 85           ldd r25, Y+14   ; 0x0e
     404:   80 81           ld  r24, Z
     406:   89 2b           or  r24, r25
     408:   0d c0           rjmp    .+26        ; 0x424 <_Z25eRCaGuy_SoftwarePWMupdatev+0xfc>
     40a:   84 17           cp  r24, r20
     40c:   95 07           cpc r25, r21
     40e:   a6 07           cpc r26, r22
     410:   b7 07           cpc r27, r23
     412:   48 f0           brcs    .+18        ; 0x426 <_Z25eRCaGuy_SoftwarePWMupdatev+0xfe>
     414:   4e 85           ldd r20, Y+14   ; 0x0e
     416:   80 81           ld  r24, Z
     418:   90 e0           ldi r25, 0x00   ; 0
     41a:   50 e0           ldi r21, 0x00   ; 0
     41c:   40 95           com r20
     41e:   50 95           com r21
     420:   84 23           and r24, r20
     422:   95 23           and r25, r21
     424:   80 83           st  Z, r24
     426:   2f 5f           subi    r18, 0xFF   ; 255
     428:   3f 4f           sbci    r19, 0xFF   ; 255
     42a:   24 31           cpi r18, 0x14   ; 20
     42c:   31 05           cpc r19, r1
     42e:   09 f0           breq    .+2         ; 0x432 <_Z25eRCaGuy_SoftwarePWMupdatev+0x10a>
     430:   8c cf           rjmp    .-232       ; 0x34a <_Z25eRCaGuy_SoftwarePWMupdatev+0x22>
     432:   0f bf           out 0x3f, r16   ; 63
     434:   df 91           pop r29
     436:   cf 91           pop r28
     438:   1f 91           pop r17
     43a:   0f 91           pop r16
     43c:   ff 90           pop r15
     43e:   ef 90           pop r14
     440:   df 90           pop r13
     442:   cf 90           pop r12
     444:   bf 90           pop r11
     446:   af 90           pop r10
     448:   9f 90           pop r9
     44a:   8f 90           pop r8
     44c:   08 95           ret





    Address |0x00|0x01|0x02|0x03|0x04|0x05|0x06|0x07|0x08|
    Value   | 12 | 34 | 56 | 78 | 90 | AB | CD | EF | 12 |
    r0: 00 00 00 00

    Address |0x00|0x01|0x02|0x03|0x04|0x05|0x06|0x07|
    Value   | 12 | 34 | 56 | 78 | 90 | AB | CD | EF |
    Load 1  |           **   ** |
    r0: 56 78 00 00

    Address |0x00|0x01|0x02|0x03|0x04|0x05|0x06|0x07|
    Value   | 12 | 34 | 56 | 78 | 90 | AB | CD | EF |
    Load 2                      | **   **           |
    r0: 56 78 90 AB

    Address |0x00|0x01|0x02|0x03|0x04|0x05|0x06|0x07|
    Value   | 12 | 34 | 56 | 78 | 90 | AB | CD | EF |
    Load 1                      | **   **   **   ** |
    r0: 90 AB CD EF




    关于c++ - 在C/C++结构中添加UNUSED元素会加快并减慢代码执行速度,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30038172/


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