c++ - 返回具有已删除移动/复制构造函数的临时类型

标签 c++ temporary copy-elision


using namespace std;

struct S
    S() = default;
    S(const S& other) = delete;
    S(S&& other) = delete;
    int i;

S nakedBrace()
     return {}; // no S constructed here?

S typedBrace()
     return S{};

int main()
    // produce an observable effect.
    cout << nakedBrace().i << endl; // ok
    cout << typedBrace().i << endl; // error: deleted move ctor

示例 session :

$ g++ -Wall -std=c++14 -o no-copy-ctor no-copy-ctor.cpp
no-copy-ctor.cpp: In function 'S typedBrace()':
no-copy-ctor.cpp:19:12: error: use of deleted function 'S::S(S&&)'
   return S{};
no-copy-ctor.cpp:8:5: note: declared here
     S(S&& other) = delete;

令我惊讶的是 gcc 接受 nakedBrace()。我认为这两个函数在概念上是等价的:构造并返回一个临时的 S。可能会或可能不会执行复制省略,但移动或复制构造函数(均在此处删除)必须仍可访问,如标准 (12.8/32) 所规定的那样。

这是否意味着 nakedBrace() 永远不会构造 S?或者它确实如此,但直接在带有大括号初始化的返回值中,以便在概念上不需要复制移动/ctor?



N4140 [stmt.return]/2: [...] A return statement with a braced-init-list initializes the object or reference to be returned from the function by copy-list-initialization (8.5.4) from the specified initializer list. [...]

这意味着 nakedBracetypedBrace 执行的初始化等同于:

S nakedBrace = {}; //calls default constructor
S typedBrace = S{}; //calls default, then copy constructor (likely elided)

关于c++ - 返回具有已删除移动/复制构造函数的临时类型,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35041577/


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