python - 在 Python 中扁平化嵌套 JSON API 字典

标签 python json pandas flatten json-normalize

我收到了使用以下代码收集的距离矩阵的以下 json 响应:

import requests
import json

payload = {
    "origins": [{"latitude": 54.6565153, "longitude": -1.6802816}, {"latitude": 54.6365153, "longitude": -1.6202816}], #surgery
    "destinations": [{"latitude": 54.6856522, "longitude": -1.2183634}, {"latitude": 54.5393295, "longitude": -1.2623914}, {"latitude": 54.5393295, "longitude": -1.2623914}], #oa - up to 625 entries
    "travelMode": "driving",
    "startTime": "2014-04-01T11:59:59+01:00",
    "timeUnit": "second"
headers = {"Content-Length": "497", "Content-Type": "application/json"}
paramtr = {"key": "INSERT_KEY_HERE"}
r ='', data = json.dumps(payload), params = paramtr, headers = headers)
data = r.json()["resourceSets"][0]["resources"][0]


destinations.latitude, destinations.longitude, origins.latitude, origins.longitude, departureTime, destinationIndex, originIndex, totalWalkDuration, travelDistance, travelDuration


    {'__type': 'DistanceMatrix:',
 'destinations': [{'latitude': 54.6856522, 'longitude': -1.2183634},
  {'latitude': 54.5393295, 'longitude': -1.2623914},
  {'latitude': 54.5393295, 'longitude': -1.2623914}],
 'errorMessage': 'Request completed.',
 'origins': [{'latitude': 54.6565153, 'longitude': -1.6802816},
  {'latitude': 54.6365153, 'longitude': -1.6202816}],
 'results': [{'departureTime': '/Date(1396349159000-0700)/',
   'destinationIndex': 0,
   'originIndex': 0,
   'totalWalkDuration': 0,
   'travelDistance': 38.209,
   'travelDuration': 3082},
  {'departureTime': '/Date(1396349159000-0700)/',
   'destinationIndex': 1,
   'originIndex': 0,
   'totalWalkDuration': 0,
   'travelDistance': 40.247,
   'travelDuration': 2708},
  {'departureTime': '/Date(1396349159000-0700)/',
   'destinationIndex': 2,
   'originIndex': 0,
   'totalWalkDuration': 0,
   'travelDistance': 40.247,
   'travelDuration': 2708},
  {'departureTime': '/Date(1396349159000-0700)/',
   'destinationIndex': 0,
   'originIndex': 1,
   'totalWalkDuration': 0,
   'travelDistance': 34.857,
   'travelDuration': 2745},
  {'departureTime': '/Date(1396349159000-0700)/',
   'destinationIndex': 1,
   'originIndex': 1,
   'totalWalkDuration': 0,
   'travelDistance': 36.895,
   'travelDuration': 2377},
  {'departureTime': '/Date(1396349159000-0700)/',
   'destinationIndex': 2,
   'originIndex': 1,
   'totalWalkDuration': 0,
   'travelDistance': 36.895,
   'travelDuration': 2377}]}


json_normalize(outtie, record_path="results", meta="origins")

但是,这包含嵌套的起点和终点,拒绝附加。我还尝试删除该类型以查看它是否有所不同,并探索了 max_level= 和 record_prefix='_' 但无济于事。


  • 我认为这个问题不适合 flatten_json但是,它对于构造不太周密的 JSON 对象可能很有用。
  • listdestinations ,对应于listresults ,这意味着,当它们标准化时,它们将具有相同的索引。
  • 数据帧可以正确连接,因为它们将具有相应的索引。
# create a dataframe for results and origins
res_or = pd.json_normalize(data, record_path=['results'], meta=[['origins']])

# create a dataframe for destinations
dest = pd.json_normalize(data, record_path=['destinations'], record_prefix='dest_')

# normalize the origins column in res_or
orig = pd.json_normalize({'latitude': 'origin_lat', 'longitude': 'origin_long'})

# concat the dataframes
df = pd.concat([res_or, orig, dest], axis=1).drop(columns=['origins'])

# display(df)
                departureTime  destinationIndex  originIndex  totalWalkDuration  travelDistance  travelDuration  origin_lat  origin_long  dest_latitude  dest_longitude
0  /Date(1396349159000-0700)/                 0            0                  0          38.209            3082   54.656515    -1.680282      54.685652       -1.218363
1  /Date(1396349159000-0700)/                 1            0                  0          40.247            2708   54.656515    -1.680282      54.539330       -1.262391
2  /Date(1396349159000-0700)/                 2            0                  0          40.247            2708   54.656515    -1.680282      54.539330       -1.262391


  • 记录包含 destinations 的索引和origins ,因此很容易为每个键创建一个单独的数据框,然后 .merge数据框。
    • orig 的索引和dest ,对应destinationIndexoriginsIndexresults .
# create three separate dataframe
results = pd.json_normalize(data, record_path=['results'])
dest = pd.json_normalize(data, record_path=['destinations'], record_prefix='dest_')
orig = pd.json_normalize(data, record_path=['origins'], record_prefix='orig_')

# merge them at the appropriate location
df = pd.merge(results, dest, left_on='destinationIndex', right_index=True)
df = pd.merge(df, orig, left_on='originIndex', right_index=True)

# display(df)
                departureTime  destinationIndex  originIndex  totalWalkDuration  travelDistance  travelDuration  dest_latitude  dest_longitude  orig_latitude  orig_longitude
0  /Date(1396349159000-0700)/                 0            0                  0          38.209            3082      54.685652       -1.218363      54.656515       -1.680282
1  /Date(1396349159000-0700)/                 1            0                  0          40.247            2708      54.539330       -1.262391      54.656515       -1.680282
2  /Date(1396349159000-0700)/                 2            0                  0          40.247            2708      54.539330       -1.262391      54.656515       -1.680282
3  /Date(1396349159000-0700)/                 0            1                  0          34.857            2745      54.685652       -1.218363      54.636515       -1.620282
4  /Date(1396349159000-0700)/                 1            1                  0          36.895            2377      54.539330       -1.262391      54.636515       -1.620282
5  /Date(1396349159000-0700)/                 2            1                  0          36.895            2377      54.539330       -1.262391      54.636515       -1.620282

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