Javascript - 从树中递归删除某种类型的节点,但重新附加并传播符合条件的子节点

标签 javascript json recursion tree

我正在 JSON 树 {name, type, [children]} 上编写递归函数来删除特定类型的节点。但是,如果已删除节点的子节点不是要删除的类型,则应将其重新附加到父节点。

我遇到了以下困难: 假设我想删除以下树上的类型 b:

const sampleData = [{
name: "parent",
type: "a",
children: [{
    name: "childA",
    type: "a",
    children: null
    name: "childB",
    type: "b",
    children: [{
        name: "grandChildA",
        type: "a",
        children: null
        name: "grandChildB",
        type: "a",
        children: null
    name: "childC",
    type: "a",
    children: null

父级的原始子级是[childA, childB, childC]。 删除后,父级应该有子级[childA, grandChildA, grandChildB, childC]。 但是,我得到的结果是 [childA, [grandChildA, grandChildB], childC]



const removeType = (node, type) => {
    //if the node should not be removed    
    if (node.type !== type){
        //if the node has children, recursively call to prune children
        if (node.children && node.children.length > 0){
            node.children = [ => removeType(child, type))
                                             .filter(child => child !== null)]
            return node
        //if the node has no children, return the node
        else return node
    //if the node should be removed
    else if (node.type === type){
        //if the node has children, recursively call, then reattach the children
        if (node.children && node.children.length > 0){
            node.children = [ => removeType(child, type))
                                             .filter(child => child !== null)]
            return node.children
        else return null




const removeType = (node, type) => {
   if (node === null) {
     return null;
   } else {
    return node.reduce((acc, child) => {
      if(child["type"] === type) {
        const removedChild = removeType(child["children"], type);
        acc = [...acc, ...removedChild];
      } else {
        child.children = removeType(child["children"], type);
      return acc;
    }, []);



const removeType = (node, type) => {
    if (!node) return;

    return node.reduce((acc, child) => {
        if(child["type"] === type) {
            const removedChild = removeType(child["children"], type);
            acc = [...acc, ...removedChild];
        } else {
            child.children = removeType(child["children"], type);
        return acc;
    }, []);


关于Javascript - 从树中递归删除某种类型的节点,但重新附加并传播符合条件的子节点,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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