Python Behave 可选参数

标签 python cucumber python-behave

我正在尝试使用 Cucumber (Behave) 编写测试。 'given' 语句需要能够带一个可选参数,它用于验证字符串中的内容。


Given Verify text "this is a test string"
When String validation is "success"
Then Store form contents.

Given Verify text "this is a test string" exclude "test,trial,hello"
When String validation is "success"
Then Store form contents.


# Verify text "this is a test string" exclude "test,trial,hello"

@given('Verify text "{text_to_clean}" {?: exclude "{excluded}')
def step_verify_text(context, text_to_clean, excluded):
    context.verified = verify_string(text_to_clean, excluded)

我该怎么做?我尝试使用 ? 的可选符号,但我无法弄明白。我需要做什么才能使用可选参数?

我在 macOS Catalina 上使用 Mac。


注意 feature 文件名和steps 文件夹中的文件名应该匹配。

例如:如果 feature 文件名是 question_regex.feature 那么 steps 文件夹中的文件名应该是

1。选项 - 正则表达式分析器


Feature: regex question

  Scenario: first question regex
    Given Verify text "this is a string"
    Then parameter "excluded" is ""

  Scenario: second question regex
    Given Verify text "this is a test string" exclude "test,trial,hello"
    Then parameter "excluded" is "test,trial,hello"


from behave import use_step_matcher, given, when, then

@given('Verify text "(?P<text_to_clean>.*?)"((?: exclude )"(?P<excluded>.*?)")?')
def step_verify_text(context, text_to_clean, excluded):
    context.myvar = excluded

@then('parameter "(?P<name>.*?)" is "(?P<result>.*?)"')
def step_verify_text(context, name, result):
    return getattr(context, name, None) == result

2。选项 - CFParse


Feature: cfparse question

  Scenario: first question cfparse
    Given Verify text 2 "this is a test string"
    Then normal parameter "excluded" is ""

  Scenario: second question cfparse
    Given Verify text 2 "this is a test string" exclude "test,trial,hello"
    Then normal parameter "excluded" is "test,trial,hello"

  Scenario: second question cfparse
    Given Verify text 3 "this is a test string" exclude "hi,hello,I"
    Then normal parameter "excluded" is "hi,hello,I"


from behave import given, when, then, use_step_matcher, register_type
import parse

@parse.with_pattern(r'(?: exclude )"(.*?)"')
def parse_word_optional(text):
    return text.strip()

@parse.with_pattern(r'(?: exclude )')
def parse_exclude(text):
    return text.strip()

def parse_word_between_quote(text):
    return text.strip()


@given('Verify text 2 "{text_to_clean}"{ignore1:my1_?}{excluded:quote_word?}')
def step_verify_text(context, text_to_clean, ignore1, excluded):
    context.excluded = excluded

@given('Verify text 3 "{text_to_clean}"{excluded:my_?}')
def step_verify_text(context, text_to_clean, excluded):
    context.excluded = excluded

@then('normal parameter "{name}" is {result:quote_word*}')
def step_verify_text(context, name, result):
    return getattr(context, name, None) == result

注意 如果您有多个可选的参数一个接一个地出现,cfparse 解析器不是一个好的选择

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