python - 解决值错误: cannot reindex from a duplicate axis when exploding multiple columns with different lenghts

标签 python pandas dataframe


import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'Student':['J.M.', 'M.G.', 'L.D.'], 'Subject':[['mathematics', 'history', 'literature'], ['physics', 'mathematics', 'geography', 'history'], ['latin', 'literature', 'mathematics']], 'Score':[[10, 8, 8.5], [5, 4, 8, 8.5], [4,5, 5]],'Score2':[[10], [5, 4, 8,8.5], [4,5, 5]]})
df = df.apply(pd.Series.explode)

在此示例中,第一个 Score 列表有 3 个元素,第一个 Score2 列表只有 1 个元素。我试图解决这个问题,应用一个函数来检查 to 列表的长度并向较短的列表附加一个空字符串。有更好的办法吗?


IIUC,您可以运行爆炸的 for 循环:

for col in df:
    df = df.explode(col)


>>> df

   Student      Subject Score Score2
0     J.M.  mathematics    10     10
0     J.M.  mathematics     8     10
0     J.M.  mathematics   8.5     10
0     J.M.      history    10     10
0     J.M.      history     8     10
..     ...          ...   ...    ...
2     L.D.  mathematics     5      5
2     L.D.  mathematics     5      5
2     L.D.  mathematics     5      4
2     L.D.  mathematics     5      5
2     L.D.  mathematics     5      5

[100 rows x 4 columns]

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