javascript - 如何在 JS 函数中声明参数仅为字符串数据类型?

标签 javascript string parameters functional-programming

我有一个 JavaScript 初学者练习,当前代码如下所示:

// Task 1: Build a function-based console log message generator
function consoleStyler(color, background, fontSize, txt) {
    var message = "%c" + txt;
    var style = `color: ${color};`
    style += `background: ${background};`
    style += `font-size: ${fontSize};`
    console.log(message, style);

// Task 2: Build another console log message generator
function celebrateStyler(reason) {
    var fontStyle = "color: tomato; font-size: 50px";
    if (reason == 'birthday') {
        console.log(`%cHappy Birthday`, fontStyle);
    } else if (reason == "champions") {
        console.log(`%cCongrats on the title!`, fontStyle);
    } else {
        console.log(message, style); 

// Task 3: Run both the consoleStyler and the celebrateStyler functions
consoleStyler('#1d5c63', '#ede6db', '40px', 'Congrats!');

// Task 4: Insert a congratulatory and custom message
function styleAndCelebrate(color, background, fontSize, txt, reason) {
    consoleStyler(color, background, fontSize, txt);  
// Call styleAndCelebrate
styleAndCelebrate('ef7c8e', 'fae8e0', '30px', 'You made it', 'champions');

第二个函数(任务 2)应该接受一个单一参数,原因,它应该是字符串数据类型。 如果我在 VSC 中运行代码,它就可以工作。但是,在评分系统中,我得到以下信息:

Failed Test 2: Not logging celebrateStyler() variables

Failed Test 3: Not calling consoleStyler() and celebrateStyler()

我尝试了不同的选项来将参数声明为字符串(主要使用 typeof),但不幸的是我得到了相同的结果。

您能否看一下并就如何只使用 JS 来处理这种情况给我一些建议? 感谢您的宝贵时间!


完整的解决方案得到 100/100

// Task 1: Build a function-based console log message generator
function consoleStyler(color,background ,fontSize,txt) {
    var message = "%c" + txt;
    var style = `color: ${color};`
    style += `background: ${background};`
    style += `font-size: ${fontSize};`
    console.log(message, style);

// Task 2: Build another console log message generator
function celebrateStyler(reason) {

    var fontStyle = "color: tomato; font-size: 50px";
    if ( reason == "birthday")
     console.log(`%cHappy birthday`, fontStyle);
    else if (reason == "champions") {
        console.log(`%cCongrats on the title!`, fontStyle);
    else {

// Task 3: Run both the consoleStyler and the celebrateStyler functions
consoleStyler('#1d5c63', '#ede6db', '40px', 'Congrats!');

// // Task 4: Insert a congratulatory and custom message
function styleAndCelebrate(color, background, fontSize, txt ,reason) {
consoleStyler(color, background, fontSize, txt);
// Call styleAndCelebrate

styleAndCelebrate('ef7c8e','fae8e0','30px','You made it!','champions');

enter code here


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