bash - 读取命令停止 bash 脚本的执行

标签 bash

我有一个 bash 脚本,我在其中使用 read 命令将多行字符串存储到一个变量中,但由于某种我不明白的原因,它停止了脚本的执行,以状态码 1 退出。

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# some setup code
# ...

read -r -d '' test_command <<EOF
FOO=foo \
BAR=${bar} \
yarn test "path/to/tests/"

echo "test_command: ${test_command}"

if ! kubectl exec -it "$pod" -- /bin/sh -c "${test_command}"; then
# ...

当执行脚本时,它在 read 命令执行时以状态 1 退出,没有到达行 echo "test_command: ${test_command}".


您设置了 set -e,并且 read1 退出状态退出,因为输入中没有零字节,这会导致set -e 终止脚本。


test_command() {
   # Quotes!
   FOO=foo \
   BAR="${bar}" \
   yarn test "path/to/tests/"

# First pass test_command function as a string, then call that function.
... sh -c "$(declare -f test_command); test_command"
# or to nicely handle arguments.
... sh -c "$(declare -f test_command);"' "$@"' _ test_command "arg1" "arg2"
# Anyway, here sh seems like an overkill.
... env CI_TIMEOUT_MINUTES=20 FOO=foo BAR="${bar}" yarn test "path/to/tests/"

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