c++ - 形状中的 Flash "CurveTo"和 "LineTo"

标签 c++ flash direct2d

我正在尝试使用 Direct2D 显示一些旧的 SWF 文件。

我找到了swfmill其中,对于显示“W”的简单 SWF(找到 here )

enter image description here

生成 XML 代码,其中一部分如下:

          <ShapeSetup x="-214" y="470" fillStyle1="1"/>
          <LineTo x="-20" y="0"/>
          <CurveTo x1="-35" y1="-74" x2="-45" y2="-109"/>
          <CurveTo x1="-46" y1="-109" x2="-109" y2="-244"/>
          <CurveTo x1="-110" y1="-244" x2="-32" y2="-50"/>
          <CurveTo x1="-33" y1="-50" x2="-27" y2="-18"/>
          <CurveTo x1="-27" y1="-19" x2="-21" y2="-3"/>
          <CurveTo x1="-21" y1="-1" x2="0" y2="-9"/>
          <CurveTo x1="0" y1="-10" x2="53" y2="0"/>
          <LineTo x="304" y="0"/>
          <CurveTo x1="43" y1="0" x2="0" y2="10"/>
          <CurveTo x1="0" y1="10" x2="-24" y2="0"/>
          <CurveTo x1="-100" y1="6" x2="0" y2="70"/>
          <CurveTo x1="0" y1="16" x2="8" y2="27"/>
          <CurveTo x1="8" y1="27" x2="100" y2="229"/>
          <CurveTo x1="99" y1="229" x2="59" y2="120"/>
          <CurveTo x1="22" y1="-56" x2="73" y2="-216"/>
          <CurveTo x1="72" y1="-215" x2="14" y2="-56"/>
          <CurveTo x1="-53" y1="-131" x2="-24" y2="-21"/>
          <CurveTo x1="-24" y1="-22" x2="-41" y2="-7"/>
          <CurveTo x1="-29" y1="-1" x2="0" y2="-9"/>
          <CurveTo x1="0" y1="-10" x2="52" y2="0"/>
          <LineTo x="305" y="0"/>
          <CurveTo x1="28" y1="0" x2="7" y2="2"/>
          <CurveTo x1="8" y1="2" x2="0" y2="6"/>
          <CurveTo x1="0" y1="6" x2="-40" y2="4"/>
          <CurveTo x1="-84" y1="13" x2="0" y2="68"/>
          <CurveTo x1="0" y1="106" x2="234" y2="531"/>
          <CurveTo x1="46" y1="-116" x2="44" y2="-123"/>
          <LineTo x="80" y="-220"/>
          <CurveTo x1="35" y1="-97" x2="4" y2="-25"/>
          <CurveTo x1="5" y1="-25" x2="0" y2="-21"/>
          <CurveTo x1="0" y1="-89" x2="-85" y2="-2"/>
          <CurveTo x1="-19" y1="0" x2="0" y2="-10"/>
          <CurveTo x1="0" y1="-6" x2="6" y2="-2"/>
          <CurveTo x1="6" y1="-2" x2="28" y2="0"/>
          <LineTo x="165" y="0"/>
          <CurveTo x1="74" y1="0" x2="10" y2="2"/>
          <CurveTo x1="11" y1="1" x2="0" y2="9"/>
          <CurveTo x1="0" y1="8" x2="-16" y2="0"/>
          <CurveTo x1="-74" y1="6" x2="-43" y2="83"/>
          <CurveTo x1="-42" y1="83" x2="-154" y2="449"/>
          <CurveTo x1="-81" y1="235" x2="-27" y2="64"/>
          <LineTo x="-21" y="0"/>
          <CurveTo x1="-58" y1="-160" x2="-55" y2="-132"/>
          <CurveTo x1="-54" y1="-132" x2="-100" y2="-257"/>
          <LineTo x="-229" y="681"/>


我尝试使用 ID2D1PathGeometryBeginFigure (对于 ShapeSetup),

  • AddLine(对于每个LineTo),
  • AddQuadraticBezier(对于每个CurveTo),但结果是这样的:

enter image description here


FillStyle0 and FillStyle1
The Adobe Flash authoring tool supports two fill styles per edge, one for each side of the edge: FillStyle0 and FillStyle1.

For shapes that don’t self-intersect or overlap, FillStyle0 should be used.

For overlapping shapes the situation is more complex. For example, if a shape consists of two overlapping squares, and only FillStyle0 is defined,

Flash Player renders a ‘hole’ where the paths overlap. This area can be filled using FillStyle1. In this situation, the rule is that for any directed vector, FillStyle0 is the color to the left of the vector, and FillStyle1 is the color to the right of the vector





<ShapeSetup x="-214" y="470" fillStyle1="1"/>
<LineTo x="-20" y="0"/>
<CurveTo x1="-35" y1="-74" x2="-45" y2="-109"/>


pSink->BeginFigure(D2D1::Point2F(-214, 470), D2D1_FIGURE_BEGIN_FILLED);

pSink->AddLine(D2D1::Point2F(-234, 470)); // -214, 470 + (-20, 0)

    D2D1::Point2F(-269, 396), // -234, 470 + (-35,-74)
    D2D1::Point2F(-314, 287)  // -269, 396 + (-45,-109)


以 XAML 或 SVG 路径数据形式对其进行测试,

M -214,470 
l -20, 0 
q -35,-74 -80,-183 
q -46,-109 -155,-353 
q -110,-244 -142,-294 
q -33,-50 -60,-68 
q -27,-19 -48,-22 
q -21,-1 -21,-10 
q 0,-10 53,-10 
l 304, 0 
q 43,0 43,10 
q 0,10 -24,10 
q -100,6 -100,76 
q 0,16 8,43 
q 8,27 108,256 
q 99,229 158,349 
q 22,-56 95,-272 
q 72,-215 86,-271 
q -53,-131 -77,-152 
q -24,-22 -65,-29 
q -29,-1 -29,-10 
q 0,-10 52,-10 
l 305, 0 
q 28,0 35,2 
q 8,2 8,8 
q 0,6 -40,10 
q -84,13 -84,81 
q 0,106 234,637 
q 46,-116 90,-239 
l 80, -220 
q 35,-97 39,-122 
q 5,-25 5,-46 
q 0,-89 -85,-91 
q -19,0 -19,-10 
q 0,-6 6,-8 
q 6,-2 34,-2 
l 165, 0 
q 74,0 84,2 
q 11,1 11,10 
q 0,8 -16,8 
q -74,6 -117,89 
q -42,83 -196,532 
q -81,235 -108,299 
l -21, 0 
q -58,-160 -113,-292 
q -54,-132 -154,-389 
l -229, 681 


Conversion from Flash path to XAML/SVG path

关于c++ - 形状中的 Flash "CurveTo"和 "LineTo",我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/73923076/


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