performance - 比较 Lua 和 Mono

标签 performance mono lua language-comparisons




而且我不确定如何解释这张图表。 如果我是对的,基本上就是说 Lua 比 Mono 快 10 倍。 但是 Mono 的内存使用率是 Lua 的 ~8 倍。


比较 LuaMono -> 优点/缺点

编辑: [游戏开发] Cryengine 3 使用 c++/lua atm。但是有些人为这个引擎发布了一个单端口。我对 Mono 非常熟悉。但现在我想对 Lua 做一些研究,看看是否值得学习这门语言,或者我是否应该坚持使用 Mono


您正在比较 apples to oranges . C# 是一种静态类型语言,编译为 CIL这是一种字节码语言,由虚拟机运行(或通常为 JITted ),用于 Web 和独立应用程序开发。 Lua 是一种动态类型的脚本语言,通常由解释器运行,通常作为可扩展的脚本语言嵌入到更大的应用程序中。

此外,您对基准的解释是错误的。条形图显示,与等效的 Lua 程序相比,Mono 程序的运行时间约为其运行时间的 1/10。

也就是说,这种微基准测试在很大程度上是无用的。不要相信我的话;阅读 what the Shootout itself has to say about it .你应该阅读整篇文章,但我会摘录一些有趣的引文:

"The performance of a benchmark, even if it is derived from a real program, may not help to predict the performance of similar programs that have different hot spots."

"It may seem paradoxical to use an interpreted language in a high-throughput environment, but we have found that the CPU time is rarely the limiting factor; the expressibility of the language means that most programs are small and spend most of their time in I/O and native run-time code."

"Programming languages are compared against each other as though their designers intended them to be used for the exact same purpose - that just isn't so."


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