php - 创建较大集合的固定长度非重复排列

标签 php permutation



a b c d e f g h

我想获得所有可能的排列或组合(不重复),但在有限的(可变)字符集上,这意味着如果我输入字符和数字 2,结果应该是这样的

ab ba ac ca ad da ae ea af fa ag ga ah ha
bc cb bd db be eb bf fb bg gb bh hb
cd dc ce ec cf fc cg gc ch hc
de ed df fd dg gd dh hd
ef fe eg ge eh he
fg gf fh hf
gh hg


public function getPermutations($letters) {
    if (strlen($letters) < 2) {
        return array($letters);

    $permutations = array();
    $tail = substr($letters, 1);

    foreach ($this->getPermutations($tail) as $permutation) {
        $length = strlen($permutation);

        for ($i = 0; $i <= $length; $i++) {
            $permutations[] = substr($permutation, 0, $i) . $letters[0] . substr($permutation, $i);

    return $permutations;




Given a set of characters S, and a desired output length K:
  While the output has less than K characters:
    Pick a random number P between 1 and |S|.
    Append the P'th character to the output.
    Remove the P'th character from S.

其中 |S| 是 S 中的当前元素数。


Given a set of characters S, and a desired output length K:
  Let I = 0.
  While the output has less than K characters:
    I = I * (|S| + 1).
    Pick a random number P between 1 and the number of elements in S.
    I = I + P.
    Append the P'th character to the output.
    Remove the P'th character from S.

运行此算法后,值 I 将对这个特定的选择序列进行唯一编码。它基本上将其编码为 mixed-radix数字;一个数字使用基数 N,下一个数字使用 N-1,依此类推,直到最后一个数字以 N-K+1 为基数(N 是输入中的字母数)。

当然,我们也可以再次对其进行解码,在 PHP 中,这将是这样的:

// Returns the total number of $count-length strings generatable from $letters.
function getPermCount($letters, $count)
  $result = 1;
  // k characters from a set of n has n!/(n-k)! possible combinations
  for($i = strlen($letters) - $count + 1; $i <= strlen($letters); $i++) {
    $result *= $i;
  return $result;

// Decodes $index to a $count-length string from $letters, no repeat chars.
function getPerm($letters, $count, $index)
  $result = '';
  for($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)
    $pos = $index % strlen($letters);
    $result .= $letters[$pos];
    $index = ($index-$pos)/strlen($letters);
    $letters = substr($letters, 0, $pos) . substr($letters, $pos+1);
  return $result;

(请注意,为简单起见,这个特定的解码算法并不完全对应于我之前描述的编码算法,而是保持了给定 $index 映射到唯一结果的理想属性。)


$letters = 'abcd';
echo '2 letters from 4:<br>';
for($i = 0; $i < getPermCount($letters, 2); $i++)
  echo getPerm($letters, 2, $i).'<br>';

echo '<br>3 letters from 4:<br>';
for($i = 0; $i < getPermCount($letters, 3); $i++)
  echo getPerm($letters, 3, $i).'<br>';

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