
标签 prolog

我有这样的问题,我需要找到最长的单词由 2 个单词的字母组成,并且这些字母必须与原始单词中的顺序相同,例如 xabredpppaed 必须返回 aed。我不知道如何在 Prolog 中执行此操作




% Give a list of the longest matching words (substrings)
matchwords(W1, W2, Results) :-
    setof(R, matchw(W1, W2, R), RSet), % Collect all the matching substrings
                                       % and their lengths
    reverse(RSet, Set),                % Order by longest first
    highest(Set, Results).             % keep only the highest ones

% match atom-string W1 and W2 yielding atom-string Result of length N
matchw(W1, W2, N-Result) :-
    atom_chars(W1, A1),
    atom_chars(W2, A2),
    matchl(A1, A2, R),
    length(R, N),
    atom_chars(Result, R).

% find a matching sublist between the first two lists
matchl([H|T1], [H|T2], [H|T]) :-
    matchl(T1, T2, T).
matchl([H1|T1], [H2|T2], R) :-
    H1 \= H2,
    ( matchl(T1, [H2|T2], R) ; matchl([H1|T1], T2, R) ).
matchl([], _, []).
matchl([_|_], [], []).

% Keep the highest elements at the front of a list of N-W pairs
highest([_-W], [W]).
highest([N1-W1,N2-_|_], [W1]) :-
    N1 > N2.
highest([N1-W1,N2-W2|T], [W1|WT]) :-
    N1 = N2,
    highest([N2-W2|T], WT).


| ?- matchwords(xabred, pppaed, Matches).

Matches = [aed] ? a

(2 ms) no
| ?- matchwords(abcdef, acbedf, Matches).

Matches = [acef,acdf,abef,abdf] ? a


这归结为 Longest Common Sequence Problem .上面的代码并不试图实现本文中提供的命令式解决方案。

关于Prolog在2个单词中找到相似的字母,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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