regex - cucumber 正则表达式

标签 regex cucumberjs


Scenario: Upload a valid pcf file into gpe
            Given that the user uploads a valid pcf file
            Then the user should see an upload success indicator

     Scenario: Upload an invalid pcf file
            Given that the user uploads an invalid pcf file
            Then the user should see an upload error message


this.Then(/^that the user uploads [a-zA-Z]+/, ( option ) => {
   console.log( option );
} );



您不再需要 RegEx!哇!见下文。

Scenario: Upload an "valid pcf file into gpe"
        Given that the user uploads a valid pcf file
        Then the user should see an upload success indicator

Scenario: Upload an "invalid pcf file"
            Given that the user uploads an invalid pcf file
            Then the user should see an upload error message

在您的场景中使用它,当您将文本包装在 ""中时,它现在是一个准备传递到您的 JS 中的字符串

this.Then(Upload an {string}, ( stringSwitcher ,option ) => {

这就是您开始 JS 的行的工作方式,您可以将 stringSwitcher 命名为任何您想要的名称,但这是存储场景的独特部分的内容,本质上是在场景中上传一个“blablabla”,它将能够使用用于传递它的 javascript。

我希望这是有道理的,但我已经走上了使用 regEx 的道路,你真的不需要了。

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