c++ - 字符串文字的模板参数推导

标签 c++ arrays templates pointers c++11

template<typename T>
void print_size(const T& x)
    std::cout << sizeof(x) << '\n';

int main()
    print_size("If you timidly approach C++ as just a better C or as an object-oriented language, you are going to miss the point.");
    // prints 115

这在最近的 g++ 编译器上打印 115。显然,T 被推导为数组(而不是指针)。标准是否保证了这种行为?我有点惊讶,因为下面的代码打印了指针的大小,我认为 auto 的行为与模板参数推导完全一样?

int main()
    auto x = "If you timidly approach C++ as just a better C or as an object-oriented language, you are going to miss the point.";
    // prints 4


auto 的行为与模板参数推导完全相同1。完全像 T!


template<typename T>
void print_size(T x)
    std::cout << sizeof(x) << '\n';

int main()
    print_size("If you timidly approach C++ as just a better C or as an object-oriented language, you are going to miss the point.");
    // prints 4
    auto x = "If you timidly approach C++ as just a better C or as an object-oriented language, you are going to miss the point.";
    // prints 4


template<typename T>
void print_size(const T& x)
    std::cout << sizeof(x) << '\n';

int main()
    print_size("If you timidly approach C++ as just a better C or as an object-oriented language, you are going to miss the point.");
    // prints 115
    const auto& x = "If you timidly approach C++ as just a better C or as an object-oriented language, you are going to miss the point.";
    // prints 115

1 不完全是,但这不是极端情况之一。

关于c++ - 字符串文字的模板参数推导,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13308887/


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