slack-api - Slack static_select 避免在更改时调用后端

标签 slack-api

我有一个带有 static_select 的松弛模态

      block_id: "my_block_id",
      type: "section",
      text: {
        type: "mrkdwn",
        text: "Please select one"
      accessory: {
        type: "static_select",
        action_id: "select_type",
        placeholder: {
          type: "plain_text",
          text: "Select one"
        options: self.types_options



将你的 static_select 放在 input 中而不是部分

When someone uses an interactive component in your app's modal views, the app will receive a block_actions payload.

This does not apply to components included in an input block (see below for details about those).

Any interactive components used within input blocks will not send this block_actions payload. They are included in view_submission payloads only.

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