python - flask_mail 中的_external=True 是什么意思?

标签 python web flask project flask-mail

import os
import secrets
from PIL import Image
from flask import url_for, current_app
from flask_mail import Message
from app import mail

def save_picture(form_picture):
    random_hex = secrets.token_hex(8)
    f_name, f_ext = os.path.splitext(form_picture.filename)
    picture_fn = random_hex + f_ext
    picture_path = os.path.join(current_app.root_path, 'static/profile_pics', picture_fn)
    output_size = (125, 125)
    i =
    return picture_fn

def send_reset_email(user):
    token = user.get_reset_token()
    msg = Message('Password Reset Request', sender='', recipients=[])
    msg.body = f''' To reset your password, visit the following link:
{url_for('users.reset_token', token=token, **_external=True**)}
If you did not make this request then simply ignore this email and no changes will be made

我正在制作一个 Flask 应用程序并学习如何使用 flask_mail 模块发送重置电子邮件,所以我想知道当我将重置链接放在邮件正文中时 _external=True(send_reset_email function) 是什么意思。我在谷歌上搜索过,但我什么也没找到。提前谢谢你。


_external=True 告诉 Flask 它应该生成一个绝对 URL,而不是一个相对 URL。例如, 是绝对 URL,而 /my-page 是相对 URL。由于您发送的是电子邮件,因此您站点中某个页面的相对 URL 将不起作用。

您可以在此处查看 url_for 的文档:

_external – if set to True, an absolute URL is generated. Server address can be changed via SERVER_NAME configuration variable which falls back to the Host header, then to the IP and port of the request.

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