wpf - 如何在控件内引用用户控件主机的 StaticResource?

标签 wpf xaml

我的 Window.Resources 中有以下 StaticResource

<my:someobj x:Key="someResource" />


<TextBlock Text="{Binding Source={StaticResource someResource}, Path=SomeText}" />

上面给出了未找到 someResource 的编译错误。我如何引用 someResource


一旦您清楚资源查找行为,您就会得到答案。来自 MSDN ,它是这样工作的:

  1. The lookup process checks for the requested key within the resource dictionary defined by the element that sets the property.
  2. The lookup process then traverses the logical tree upward, to the parent element and its resource dictionary. This continues until the root element is reached.
  3. Next, application resources are checked. Application resources are those resources within the resource dictionary that is defined by the Application object for your WPF application.

在您的情况下,window 不是 UserControl 的逻辑父级。因此,无法在那里找到资源。因此,您可以将资源移动到应用程序资源下,以便您的 UserControl 可以使用它。

   <my:someobj x:Key="someResource" />

关于wpf - 如何在控件内引用用户控件主机的 StaticResource?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25465747/


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