php - 如何替换多维数组中的键并保持顺序

标签 php arrays multidimensional-array replace key


$list = array(
   'one' => array(
       'A' => 1,
       'B' => 100,
       'C' => 1234,
   'two' => array(
       'A' => 1,
       'B' => 100,
       'C' => 1234,
       'three' => array(
           'A' => 1,
           'B' => 100,
           'C' => 1234,
       'four' => array(
           'A' => 1,
           'B' => 100,
           'C' => 1234,
   'five' => array(
       'A' => 1,
       'B' => 100,
       'C' => 1234,

我需要一个函数(replaceKey($array, $oldKey, $newKey)) 来替换任意键“一”、“二”、“三”、“四”或“五”与新键独立于该键的深度。我需要函数返回一个新数组,具有相同的顺序结构


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function replaceKey($array, $newKey, $oldKey){
   foreach ($array as $key => $value){
      if (is_array($value))
         $array[$key] = replaceKey($value,$newKey,$oldKey);
      else {
         $array[$oldKey] = $array[$newKey];    

   return $array;   



此函数应将 $oldKey 的所有实例替换为 $newKey

function replaceKey($subject, $newKey, $oldKey) {

    // if the value is not an array, then you have reached the deepest 
    // point of the branch, so return the value
    if (!is_array($subject)) return $subject;

    $newArray = array(); // empty array to hold copy of subject
    foreach ($subject as $key => $value) {

        // replace the key with the new key only if it is the old key
        $key = ($key === $oldKey) ? $newKey : $key;

        // add the value with the recursive call
        $newArray[$key] = replaceKey($value, $newKey, $oldKey);
    return $newArray;

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