sql - 为什么我在执行此查询时得到 2014、2015 年到 2016 年 5 月的记录 >

标签 sql

select t1.InvoiceNumber ,t1.LocalAmount  , t2.LineAmount as discount , t1.CreateDate
from CashOrderTrn t1 
left join DistrubutedDiscountDetails t2 
    on t1.InvoiceNumber =  t2.InvoiceNumber  
    and t1.CreateDate between '20160531' and  '20160701' 
    and t1.InvoiceType ='31'


将 t1 条件移动到 WHERE 子句:

select t1.InvoiceNumber ,t1.LocalAmount , t2.LineAmount as discount ,
from CashOrderTrn t1
left join DistrubutedDiscountDetails t2 on t1.InvoiceNumber = t2.InvoiceNumber
WHERE t1.CreateDate between '20160531' and '20160701' and t1.InvoiceType ='31'

顺便说一句,您是否将日期存储在字符列中?我建议改为使用 date 列。

关于sql - 为什么我在执行此查询时得到 2014、2015 年到 2016 年 5 月的记录 >,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39826759/


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