python - Python 中字符串的基数排序

标签 python python-3.x sorting radix-sort counting-sort

与 Python 的排序相比,我的基数排序函数输出已排序但错误的列表:

My radix sort: ['aa', 'a', 'ab', 'abs', 'asd', 'avc', 'axy', 'abid']
Python's sort: ['a', 'aa', 'ab', 'abid', 'abs', 'asd', 'avc', 'axy']

* 我的基数排序不做填充
* 其机制是最低有效位(LSB)
* 我需要利用每个单词的长度


def count_sort_letters(array, size, col, base):
    output   = [0] * size
    count    = [0] * base
    min_base = ord('a')

    for item in array:
        correct_index = min(len(item) - 1, col)
        letter = ord(item[-(correct_index + 1)]) - min_base
        count[letter] += 1

    for i in range(base - 1):
        count[i + 1] += count[i]

    for i in range(size - 1, -1, -1):
        item = array[i]
        correct_index = min(len(item) - 1, col)
        letter = ord(item[-(correct_index + 1)]) - min_base
        output[count[letter] - 1] = item
        count[letter] -= 1

    return output

def radix_sort_letters(array):
    size = len(array)

    max_col = len(max(array, key = len))

    for col in range(max_col):
        array = count_sort_letters(array, size, col, 26)

    return array




In your code the lines:

correct_index = min(len(item) - 1, col)
letter = ord(item[-(correct_index + 1)]) - min_base

Always uses the first letter of the word once col is greater than the word length. This causes shorter words to be sorted based upon their first letter once col is greater than the word length. For instance ['aa', 'a'] remains unchanged since on the for col loop we compare the 'a' in both words, which keeps the results unchanged.



def count_sort_letters(array, size, col, base, max_len):
  """ Helper routine for performing a count sort based upon column col """
  output   = [0] * size
  count    = [0] * (base + 1) # One addition cell to account for dummy letter
  min_base = ord('a') - 1 # subtract one too allow for dummy character

  for item in array: # generate Counts
    # get column letter if within string, else use dummy position of 0
    letter = ord(item[col]) - min_base if col < len(item) else 0
    count[letter] += 1

  for i in range(len(count)-1):   # Accumulate counts
      count[i + 1] += count[i]

  for item in reversed(array):
    # Get index of current letter of item at index col in count array
    letter = ord(item[col]) - min_base if col < len(item) else 0
    output[count[letter] - 1] = item
    count[letter] -= 1

  return output

def radix_sort_letters(array, max_col = None):
  """ Main sorting routine """
  if not max_col:
    max_col = len(max(array, key = len)) # edit to max length

  for col in range(max_col-1, -1, -1): # max_len-1, max_len-2, ...0
    array = count_sort_letters(array, len(array), col, 26, max_col)

  return array

lst = ['aa', 'a', 'ab', 'abs', 'asd', 'avc', 'axy', 'abid']


lst = ['aa', 'a', 'ab', 'abs', 'asd', 'avc', 'axy', 'abid']

# Compare to Python sort


['a', 'aa', 'ab', 'abid', 'abs', 'asd', 'avc', 'axy']


计数排序 是一个 stable sort含义:


让我们排序:['ac', 'xb', 'ab']


迭代 0:

Key is last character in list (i.e. index -1):       
keys are ['c','b', 'b'] (last characters of 'ac', 'xb', and 'ab'

Peforming a counting sort on these keys we get ['b', 'b', 'c']

This causes the corresponding words for these keys to be placed in    
the order:    ['xb', 'ab', 'ac']

Entries 'xb' and 'ab' have equal keys (value 'b') so they maintain their 
order of 'xb' followed by 'ab' of the original list 
(since counting sort is a stable sort)

迭代 1:

Key is next to last character (i.e. index -2):

Keys are ['x', 'a', 'a'] (corresponding to list ['xb', 'ab', 'ac'])

Counting Sort produces the order ['a', 'a', 'a']
which causes the corresponding words to be placed in the order
['ab', 'ac', 'xb'] and we are done.


不同长度的字符串 - 上面的例子是等长字符串。


['ac', 'a', 'ab']



['ac', 'a*', 'ab']

迭代 0:键是每个单词的最后一个字符,因此:['c', '*', 'b']

The understanding is that the dummy character is less than all other
characters, so the sort order will be:
['*', 'b', 'c'] causing the related words to be sorted in the order

['a*', 'ab', 'ac']

迭代 1:键位于每个单词中最后一个字符的旁边,因此:['a', 'a', 'a']

 Since the keys are all equal counting sort won't change the order so we keep

  ['a*', 'ab', 'ac']

Removing the dummy character from each string (if any) we end up with:

    ['a', 'ab', 'ac']

The idea behind get_index is to mimic the behavior of padding strings without actual padding (i.e. padding is extra work). Thus, based upon the index it evaluates if the index points to the padded or unpadded portion of the string and returns an appropriate index into the counting array for counting.

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