javascript - 网络音频 API : How to access time/sample rate in a AudioWorkletProcessor?

标签 javascript html web-audio-api

我想实现一个可以感知时间的 AudioWorkletProcessor。例如:如何将 DelayNode 重新实现为处理器?

MDN 文档说:

By specification, each block of audio your process() function receives contains 128 frames (that is, 128 samples for each channel), but it is planned that this value will change in the future, and may in fact vary depending on circumstances, so you should always check the array's length rather than assuming a particular size.



class EnergyProcessor extends AudioWorkletProcessor {
  process(inputs, outputs, parameters) {
    if (inputs.length !== 1) {
      throw 'invalid inputs'

    // how much time is covered by inputs?

    inputs[0].forEach((channel, channelID) => {
      let sum = 0
      let count = 0

      channel.forEach((value, i) => {
        sum += value * value
        count += 1

        for (let o = 0; o < outputs.length; o++) {
          // skip when writing x channels to x - 1
          if (channelID >= outputs[o].length) {
          outputs[o][channelID][i] = sum / count

    return true

registerProcessor('EnergyProcessor', EnergyProcessor)


The MDN says那个

[...] lives in the AudioWorkletGlobalScope and runs on the Web Audio rendering thread.


sampleRate: Read only
Returns a float that represents the sample rate of the associated BaseAudioContext.




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