python - 提取段落中与列表中的单词相似的单词

标签 python python-3.x difflib


"The boy went to twn and bought sausage and chicken. He then picked a tddy for his sister"


["town","teddy","chicken","boy went"]

注意:给定句子中的 town 和 teddy 拼写错误。


import difflib

sent = "The boy went to twn and bought sausage and chicken. He then picked a tddy for his sister"

list1 = ["town","teddy","chicken","boy went"]

[difflib.get_close_matches(x.lower().strip(), sent.split()) for x in list1 ]


[['twn', 'to'], ['tddy'], ['chicken.', 'picked'], ['went']]


'twn', 'tddy', 'chicken','boy went'


文档中关于 difflib.get_closest_matches() 的通知:

difflib.get_close_matches(word, possibilities, n=3, cutoff=0.6)

Return a list of the best "good enough" matches. word is a sequence for which close matches are desired (typically a string), and possibilities is a list of sequences against which to match word (typically a list of strings).

Optional argument n (default 3) is the maximum number of close matches to return; n must be greater than 0.

Optional argument cutoff (default 0.6) is a float in the range [0, 1]. Possibilities that don’t score at least that similar to word are ignored.

目前,您正在使用默认的 ncutoff 参数。


例如,您可以使用 0.75 的 cutoff 分数:

result = [difflib.get_close_matches(x.lower().strip(), sent.split(), cutoff=0.75) for x in list1]

或者,您可以指定最多只返回 1 个匹配项:

result = [difflib.get_close_matches(x.lower().strip(), sent.split(), n=1) for x in list1]

在任何一种情况下,您都可以使用列表理解来展平列表的列表(因为 difflib.get_close_matches() 总是返回一个列表):

matches = [r[0] for r in result]

由于您还想检查双字母组的紧密匹配,您可以通过提取相邻“单词”的配对来实现,并将它们作为 的一部分传递给 difflib.get_close_matches() >可能性参数。


import difflib
import re

sent = "The boy went to twn and bought sausage and chicken. He then picked a tddy for his sister"

list1 = ["town", "teddy", "chicken", "boy went"]

# this extracts overlapping pairings of "words"
# i.e. ['The boy', 'boy went', 'went to', 'to twn', ...
pairs = re.findall(r'(?=(\b[^ ]+ [^ ]+\b))', sent)

# we pass the sent.split() list as before
# and concatenate the new pairs list to the end of it also
result = [difflib.get_close_matches(x.lower().strip(), sent.split() + pairs, n=1) for x in list1]

matches = [r[0] for r in result]

# ['twn', 'tddy', 'chicken.', 'boy went']

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