rust - @ operator bindings over extra conditionals with match guards的好处

标签 rust

阅读“The Rust Programming Language”-“18. Patterns and Matching”部分,章节 "18.3. Pattern Syntax" .在本章的末尾,“@Bindings”部分介绍了一种方法来“创建一个保存值的变量,同时我们正在测试该值以查看它是否与模式匹配”。但是,我很难看出这比本章前面的“带有 Match Guards 的额外条件”一节中讨论的方法有什么值(value)。


enum Message {
    Hello { id: i32},

fn main() {
    let msg = Message::Hello { id: 5 };

    // @ Binding Operator Example
    match msg {
        Message::Hello { id: idvar @ 3..=7 } => println!("Found an id in range: {}", idvar),
        Message::Hello { id: 10..=12 } => println!("Found an id in another range"),
        Message::Hello { id } => println!("Found some other id: {}", id),

    // Conditional Match Guard Example
    match msg {
        Message::Hello { id: idvar } if (3..=7).contains(&idvar) => println!("Found an id of range: {}", idvar),
        Message::Hello { id: idvar } if (idvar >= 10 && idvar <=12) => println!("Found an id in another range"),
        Message::Hello { id: idvar } => println!("Found some other id: {}", idvar),


我确信我遗漏了一些微妙的好处(书中提供的简化示例可能没有解决)。 @ 运算符绑定(bind)方法提供了哪些独特的好处,或者它只是一种替代方法?



let n = 5u8;

// this works: the compiler can tell that together, each arm covers all
// possible cases
match n {
    value @ 0..=127 => println!("low: {}", n),
    value @ 127..=255 => println!("high: {}", n),

// this doesn't work: match guards don't contribute to exhaustiveness
// checking, so the compiler isn't sure that all possible cases are covered
// and requires a default case (even though it's unreachable)
match n {
    value if (0..=127).contains(&value) => println!("low: {}", n),
    value if (127..=255).contains(&value) => println!("high: {}", n),
    // uncommenting this line will allow it to compile
    // _ => unreachable!()

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