c# - 我的贝塞尔曲线代码太慢了。我该如何解决?

标签 c# optimization bezier


public static class Bezier
    private static Vector2 GetInterpolatedPoint(Vector2 a, Vector2 b, float t)
        return new Vector2(a.X * (1f - t) + b.X * t, a.Y * (1f - t) + b.Y * t);

    public static Vector2 GetPoint(IList<Vector2> points, float t)
        int initialCount = points.Count;
        Vector2[] buf;
        while (points.Count > 2)
            buf = new Vector2[points.Count-1];
            for (int i = 0; i < points.Count - 1; i++)
                buf[i] = GetInterpolatedPoint(points[i], points[i + 1], t);
            points = buf;

        return GetInterpolatedPoint(points[0], points[1], t);



  • 100 个随机 2D 点的列表
  • 0.0001f 步(10000 次迭代)


  • 以 ~1200 毫秒计算。



使用最新版本的 C# 可以显着加快速度。


  • 使用Span<T>stackalloc以避免堆分配。
  • 重复使用该跨度,以便只需要一次内存分配。这需要将值的计数维护为一个单独的变量。
  • 指定Vector2 getInterpolatedPoint() 的参数作为in .

将它们放在一起(并将方法重命名为具有 Opt 后缀):

public static class Bezier
    static Vector2 getInterpolatedPointOpt(in Vector2 a, in Vector2 b, float t)
        return new Vector2(a.X * (1f - t) + b.X * t, a.Y * (1f - t) + b.Y * t);

    public static Vector2 GetPointOpt(IList<Vector2> points, float t)
        int count = points.Count;
        Span<Vector2> array = stackalloc Vector2[count]; // Not suitable for large arrays.

        for (int i = 0; i < count - 1; i++)
            array[i] = getInterpolatedPointOpt(points[i], points[i + 1], t);

        while (--count > 2)
            for (int i = 0; i < count - 1; i++)
                array[i] = getInterpolatedPointOpt(array[i], array[i + 1], t);

        return getInterpolatedPointOpt(array[0], array[1], t);


我写了下面的测试代码,但是你应该使用 Benchmark.Net 进行适当的计时(这个测试代码假设原始未优化的方法仍在类中):

Random rng = new Random(123445);

Vector2[] buff = new Vector2[10000];

var sw = new Stopwatch();

for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
    for (int j = 0; j < buff.Length; ++j)
        buff[j].X = rng.NextSingle();
        buff[j].Y = rng.NextSingle();

    Vector2 result1 = Bezier.GetPointOpt(buff, 0.0001f);

    Console.WriteLine("GetPointOpt() took " + sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);


    Vector2 result2 = Bezier.GetPoint(buff, 0.0001f);

    Console.WriteLine("GetPoint() took " + sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);



输出(在 Release模式下运行):

GetPointOpt() took 107.5646
GetPoint() took 631.597
<0.49709368, 0.55904883>
<0.49709368, 0.55904883>

GetPointOpt() took 95.9445
GetPoint() took 502.4843
<0.5745254, 0.48695806>
<0.5745254, 0.48695806>

GetPointOpt() took 99.6847
GetPoint() took 507.7098
<0.59854025, 0.4798301>
<0.59854025, 0.4798301>

GetPointOpt() took 94.5894
GetPoint() took 480.0481
<0.4043915, 0.3434864>
<0.4043915, 0.3434864>

GetPointOpt() took 96.8213
GetPoint() took 481.8792
<0.4802326, 0.5464641>
<0.4802326, 0.5464641>

GetPointOpt() took 92.3702
GetPoint() took 478.834
<0.64281195, 0.72084826>
<0.64281195, 0.72084826>

GetPointOpt() took 109.5258
GetPoint() took 507.9398
<0.5327367, 0.6595588>
<0.5327367, 0.6595588>

GetPointOpt() took 92.3229
GetPoint() took 474.3246
<0.5084992, 0.57937586>
<0.5084992, 0.57937586>

GetPointOpt() took 107.6864
GetPoint() took 479.8337
<0.25628412, 0.6602504>
<0.25628412, 0.6602504>

GetPointOpt() took 98.2489
GetPoint() took 500.7994
<0.71759677, 0.50711>
<0.71759677, 0.50711>



public class UnderTest
    public UnderTest()
        for (int j = 0; j < _buff.Length; ++j)
            _buff[j].X = _rng.NextSingle();
            _buff[j].Y = _rng.NextSingle();

    [Benchmark(Baseline = true)]
    public void Unoptimised()
        Bezier.GetPoint(_buff, 0.0001f);

    public void Optimised()
        Bezier.GetPointOpt(_buff, 0.0001f);

    readonly Random    _rng  = new Random(123445);
    readonly Vector2[] _buff = new Vector2[10000];


|      Method |     Mean |    Error |   StdDev |   Median | Ratio | RatioSD |
|------------ |---------:|---------:|---------:|---------:|------:|--------:|
| Unoptimised | 459.6 ms | 11.03 ms | 32.35 ms | 451.0 ms |  1.00 |    0.00 |
|   Optimised | 106.8 ms |  2.13 ms |  3.79 ms | 106.5 ms |  0.22 |    0.02 |

附录 2:编写 getInterpolatedPoint()内联方法。


public static Vector2 GetPointOpt(IList<Vector2> points, float t)
    int count = points.Count;
    Span<Vector2> array = stackalloc Vector2[count]; // Not suitable for large arrays.

    for (int i = 0; i < count - 1; i++)
        array[i].X = points[i].X * (1f - t) + points[i + 1].X * t;
        array[i].Y = points[i].Y * (1f - t) + points[i + 1].Y * t;

    while (--count > 2)
        for (int i = 0; i < count - 1; i++)
            array[i].X = array[i].X * (1f - t) + array[i + 1].X * t;
            array[i].Y = array[i].Y * (1f - t) + array[i + 1].Y * t;

    return new Vector2(
        array[0].X * (1f - t) + array[1].X * t,
        array[0].Y * (1f - t) + array[1].Y * t);

但是,编写此内联的改进非常有限,这可能说明了 JIT 编译器的有效性,它可能已经内联了 getInterpolatedPoint()方法。


|      Method |      Mean |    Error |    StdDev | Ratio |
|------------ |----------:|---------:|----------:|------:|
| Unoptimised | 437.18 ms | 8.635 ms | 13.186 ms |  1.00 |
|   Optimised |  77.90 ms | 1.546 ms |  3.735 ms |  0.18 |

比率是 0.18 而不是 0.22 - 比调用 getInterpolatedPoint() 快了大约 20% .

关于c# - 我的贝塞尔曲线代码太慢了。我该如何解决?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/74041759/


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