F# 异常处理 : how to parse number in ReadLine()?

标签 f#


let mutable guess = Console.ReadLine() |> System.Int32.Parse

只要输入是数字,这就可以正常工作;除非输入是字母字符串,例如 kdf,程序将退出并返回 System.TypeInitilizationException



我正在尝试用 F# 编写猜谜游戏。这是整个程序:

open System

printfn "Guess the number"

let secretNum = System.Random().Next(1,101)

let mutable continueLooping = true 

while continueLooping do

    printfn "Please input your guess."

    let mutable input = Console.ReadLine() 

    let result =
        match Int32.TryParse input with
        | (true, result) -> Some(result) 
        | (false, _) -> printfn "Please input a number!"; None

    let guess = Option.get result

    printfn "You guessed: %A" guess

    if guess < secretNum then printfn "Too small!"
    else if guess > secretNum then printfn "Too big!"
    else do 
        printfn "You win!" 
        continueLooping <- false

let main argv = 
    printfn "%A" argv
    0 // return an integer exit code

除了无法处理无效输入问题外,该程序可以正常工作。我是编程新手,也许这对 .NET 程序员来说是一个很明显的问题。恐怕初学者经常有愚蠢的问题。



match System.Int32.TryParse input with
| (true, number) -> ...
| (false, _)     -> ....

对于 .net 中的所有 TryXY 模式也很有魅力 ;)


F# Interactive for F# 3.1 (Open Source Edition)
Freely distributed under the Apache 2.0 Open Source License

For help type #help;;

> let tryInt input = match System.Int32.TryParse input with | (true, number) -> Some number | _ -> None;;

val tryInt : input:string -> int option

> tryInt "55";;
val it : int option = Some 55
> tryInt "no";;
val it : int option = None



let rec queryAnInt () =
    printf "please input an integer " 
    let input = System.Console.ReadLine()
    match System.Int32.TryParse input with
    | (true, number) -> number
    | _              -> printfn "sorry - you did not enter an integer"
                        queryAnInt ()

现在 queryAnInt () 将询问用户一个整数,直到他给了一个整数并返回它(没有 Option 你似乎有问题)



  • 首先是显而易见的事情:您将所有内容都编码到模块中,当您真的想在 main 方法和函数中使用它时 - 这将让你快速解决问题

  • 你将猜测匹配到 result 作为 Option 只是为了在下一行 Option.get resultresultNone 时会抛出错误(当用户没有输入数字时)——这才是真正的问题

  • 您使用全局可变变量和命令式循环 - 两者都是函数式代码味道


open System

let rec queryGuess () =
    printf "please input your guess " 
    let input = Console.ReadLine()
    match System.Int32.TryParse input with
    | (true, number) when number >= 1 && number <= 100
                     -> number
    | _              -> printfn "sorry - please enter a number between 1 and 100"
                        queryGuess ()

let rec guess secret nrTriesLeft =
    if nrTriesLeft = 0 then printfn "Sorry you lost" else
    match queryGuess () with
    | g when g < secret ->
        printfn "Too small!"
        guess secret (nrTriesLeft - 1)
    | g when g > secret ->
        printfn "Too big!"
        guess secret (nrTriesLeft - 1)
    | g when g = secret ->
        printfn "You win!"
    | _ -> failwith "impossible case" 

let game () = 
    printfn "Guess my secret number - it's between 1 and 100"

    let secretNum = System.Random().Next(1,101)

    guess secretNum 7 // 7 tries should always be enough - bonus question: why?

let main _ = 
    game ()

通过这种方式,您可以很容易地扩展到让我们说也只有一定数量的重试(只需稍微更改 guess 函数 - 您应该尝试一下!)


关于F# 异常处理 : how to parse number in ReadLine()?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30460487/


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