python - 如果在 + python 中没有传递参数,我如何分配默认值

标签 python

我怎么写letter = sys.argv[2] or 'a'所以如果没有参数传递给a将分配给字母。 所以基本上我想要默认值 letter成为a除非传递了一些东西。如果要传递一些东西,我希望将其分配给 letter


$ cat
import sys

def count(word,letter):
        for char in word:
                if char == letter:
                        count = count + 1
        return count
                                # WHAT I WANT
word = sys.argv[1] or 'banana'  # if sys.argv[1] has a value assign it to word, else assign 'banana' to word
letter = sys.argv[2] or 'a'     # if sys.argv[2] has a value assign it to letter, else assign 'a' to letter

print 'Count the number of times the letter',letter,' appears in the word: ', word

count = 0
for letter in word:
        if letter == 'a':
                count = count + 1
print count

这是我通过传递 2 个参数来运行程序 peaa

$ python pea a
Count the number of times the letter a  appears in the word:  pea

我希望参数是可选的,所以我希望不必传递字母 arguemt。 那我怎么写letter = sys.argv[2] or 'a'这样,如果没有传入参数, letter 将被分配给 a


$ python pea
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 10, in <module>
    letter = sys.argv[2] or 'a'
IndexError: list index out of range



letter = sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv) >= 3 else 'a'

sys.argv[2]sys.argv中的第三个元素,这意味着sys.argv的长度应该是至少3个。如果不是>= 3,我们将'a'赋值给letter

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