c++ - 模板类,函数特化

标签 c++ templates

我想要一个类似于下面的模板类。然后,我希望其中有一个函数,该函数具有依赖于 CLASS 模板参数的模板特化。我如何使这项工作?我意识到我提供的代码在很多层面上都是错误的,但这只是为了说明这个概念。

template <typename _T, size_t num>
class Foo
    // If num == 1, I want to call this function...
    void Func<_T, 1>()

    // Otherwise, I want to call this version.
    void Func<_T, num>()
        printf("Hello world!");


struct Otherwise { };
template<size_t> struct C : Otherwise { };

// don't use _Uppercase - those names are reserved for the implementation
// (i removed the '_' char)
template <typename T, size_t num>
class Foo
    void Func() { Func(C<num>()); }

    // If num == 1, I want to call this function...
    void Func(C<1>)
        printf("Hi 1!");

    // If num == 2, I want to call this function...
    void Func(C<2>)
        printf("Hi 2!");

    // Otherwise, I want to call this version.
    void Func(Otherwise)
        printf("Hello world!");

    //// alternative otherwise solution:
    // template<size_t I>
    // void Func(C<I>) { .. }

关于c++ - 模板类,函数特化,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2349995/


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