regex - 在段落中查找匹配的字符串

标签 regex perl awk sed

我有一个包含 LaTeX 数学方程式的 TXT 文件,其中每个内联方程式前后使用单个 $ 分隔符。

我想找到段落中的每个方程式,并用 XML 开始和结束标记替换定界符....



This is the beginning of a paragraph $first equation$ ...and here is some text... $second equation$ ...and here is more text... $third equation$ ...and here is yet more text... $fourth equation$


This is the beginning of a paragraph <equation>first equation</equation> ...and here is some text... <equation>second equation</equation> ...and here is more text... <equation>third equation</equation> ...and here is yet more text... <equation>fourth equation</equation>

我已经尝试过如下的 sed 和 perl 命令:

perl -p -e 's/(\$)(.*[^\$])(\$)/<equation>$2<\/equation>/'


This is the beginning of a paragraph <equation>first equation$ ...and here is some text... $second equation$ ...and here is more text... $third equation$ ...and here is yet more text... $fourth equation</equation>

我还想要一个强大的解决方案,它可以考虑不用作 LaTeX 定界符的单个 $ 的存在。例如,

This is the beginning of a paragraph $first equation$ ...and here is some text that includes a single dollar sign: He paid $2.50 for a pack of cigarettes... $second equation$ ...and here is more text... $third equation$ ...and here is yet more text... $fourth equation$


This is the beginning of a paragraph <equation>first equation$ ...and here is some text that includes a single dollar sign: He paid <equation>2.50 for a pack of cigarettes... $second equation$ ...and here is more text... $third equation$ ...and here is yet more text... $fourth equation</equation>

注意:我正在用 Bash 编写。


注意:此答案的第一部分仅关注替换 $'s 对;对于 OP 要求替换独立的 $'s ...请参阅答案的第二部分。

替换成对的 $'s


$ cat latex.txt
... $first equation$ ... $second equation$ ... $third equation$


sed -E 's|\$([^$]*)\$|<equation>\1</equation>|g' latex.txt


  • -E - 启用扩展的正则表达式支持
  • \$ - 匹配文字 $
  • ([^$]*) - [捕获组 #1] - 匹配所有不是文字的 $ (在这种情况下,这对 $'s 之间的所有内容)
  • \$ - 匹配文字 $
  • <equation>\1</equation> - 用 <equation> 替换匹配的字符串+ contents of capture group + </equation>
  • /g - 根据需要经常重复搜索/替换


... <equation>first equation</equation> ... <equation>second equation</equation> ... <equation>third equation</equation>

处理独立 $

如果独立$可以转义(例如 \$ )一个想法是拥有 sed用无意义的文字替换它,执行 <equation> / </equation>替换,然后将无意义的文字改回 \$ .


$ cat latex.txt
... $first equation$ ... $second equation$ ... $third equation$
... $first equation$ ... \$3.50 cup of coffee ... $third equation$

原创 sed新替换的解决方案:

sed -E 's|\\\$|LITDOL|g;s|\$([^$]*)\$|<equation>\1</equation>|g;s|LITDOL|\\\$|g' latex.txt

我们在哪里替换 \$LITDOL (LITeral DOLlar),执行我们原来的替换,然后切换 LITDOL返回\$ .


... <equation>first equation</equation> ... <equation>second equation</equation> ... <equation>third equation</equation>
... <equation>first equation</equation> ... \$3.50 cup of coffee ... <equation>third equation</equation>

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