Oracle:使用 select 插入不返回批量收集新插入的 ID

标签 oracle plsql plsqldeveloper


Id(auto increment using sequence)    Name      Age
1                                    Chitta    18
2                                    Chitta1   19
3                                    Chitta2   18
4                                    Chitta3   18

我有 PL/SQL 过程,它将在上面的表中插入记录。

Insert into T_record (name, Age) 
  (select  name, age 
     from T_record 
    where Age =18) 
   returning  id bulk collect into v_newly_added_conf_input_ids;




不,您无法让它以这种方式工作。仅当 insert 语句使用 values 子句时,您才可以使用 returning(不是批量收集)子句。

您可以使用这种解决方法来获取那些 id:

您首先用要插入的值填充一个集合,然后使用 forall 构造插入数据并将 id 返回到另一个集合中:

/* identity column is a 12c feature. In prior versions you use 
   sequences - not the main point here. Use it just to save time.
create table t1(
  t1_id number generated as identity primary key,
  name1 varchar2(31),
  age   number
) ;

Pl/SQL block :

  /* record */
  type t_rec is record(
    name1 varchar2(32),
    age   number  -- as a side note, it's better to store 
  );              -- date of birth not the age - not that dependable.

  type t_source_list is table of t_rec;
  type t_id_list     is table of number;

  l_source_list t_source_list; -- source collection
  l_id_list     t_id_list;     -- collection we are going to put IDs into

  /* data we are going to insert 
    replace this query with yours */
  select dbms_random.string('l', 7)
       , level
    bulk collect into l_source_list
   from dual
  connect by level <= 11;

  /* insert data and return IDs into l_id_list collection */
  forall i in l_source_list.first..l_source_list.last
    insert into t1(name1, age) 
       values(l_source_list(i).name1, l_source_list(i).age)
    returning t1_id bulk collect into l_id_list;

  /* print the list of new IDs. */
   for i in l_id_list.first .. l_id_list.last loop
     dbms_output.put_line('ID #' || to_char(I)||':  '||to_char(l_id_list(i)));
   end loop;  


anonymous block completed
ID #1:  1
ID #2:  2
ID #3:  3
ID #4:  4
ID #5:  5
ID #6:  6
ID #7:  7
ID #8:  8
ID #9:  9
ID #10: 10
ID #11: 11

关于Oracle:使用 select 插入不返回批量收集新插入的 ID,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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