types - f# Narrow discriminated union in previous pattern matching guard(Control Flow Based Type Analysis)

标签 types f#

如果类型在之前的守卫中被缩小,F# 会缩小类型吗?

type FirstOption = bool option
type SecondOption = bool option

let foo first second =
     match first with
     | None -> false
     | Some value when second.IsSome ->
          // second is still Option<bool>
          sencond // x this doesn't fly.
     | Some value -> false

在这些情况下,我一直在使用 Optopn.map/map2/map3,但想知道我是否做错了什么。

对于 TypeScript,他们有基于控制流的分析:https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/2388




let foo first second = 
  match (first, second) with
  | (None, _) -> false
  | (Some _, Some s) -> s
  | (Some x, None) -> false


let foo first second =
   match (first, second) with
   | (Some _, Some s) -> s
   | _ -> false

关于types - f# Narrow discriminated union in previous pattern matching guard(Control Flow Based Type Analysis),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63231237/


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