.net - WPF 设计器 : What is your design process?

标签 .net wpf expression-blend application-design



我一直在寻找 WPF 专业人士关于他们的设计过程的一些反馈。例如,当我设计一个网站时,在我编写任何 HTML、CSS、JavaScript 之前,我会在 Photoshop 中设计界面,这样我就可以向客户展示他们网站的外观。在我编写任何代码之前,我会选择样式、配色方案和大多数(如果不是全部的话)第三方图形(股票摄影)。一旦客户批准设计,我就会开始构建它。

我想知道设计 WPF 桌面应用程序的等效项是什么。当设计界面、选择配色方案、选择按钮样式、选择可能进入其中的任何图像时,首先创建模型是否很常见?您是否只是在构建图形的同时即时创建所有图形?还是更常见的做法是在线查找主题/皮肤并将其应用到您的应用中?



附注- 我有 Expression Blend 4,我可以手写 XAML(不仅仅是在 Blend 中使用设计 View )。我的问题不是关于我应该使用什么工具来构建 WPF 应用程序,而是关于设计过程。


对于 WPF 应用程序,使用 Blend 设计界面是最好的方法,因为您可以直接将 Blend 中的 xaml 重用到 VS 中,而无需返工。虽然,您不会发现太多设计师精通 Blend(与 photoshop 等相比);因此,到目前为止,在 WPF 世界中,设计过程并没有像在 Web 中那样遵循那么多。

如果您擅长使用其他设计工具并想使用它们(如 photoshop),那么您可以评估这些工具以从其他格式创建 XAML -

Visio Export to XAML An Add-in to Visio 2007 to create XAML directly.

XAML Tune – Convert SVG# to XAML A free tool that allows you to convert SVG files to XAML files. It automates XAML transformations in order to improve design and code integration.

Adobe Illustrator Export to XAML A freely available plug-in that enables Adobe Illustrator to export WPF and Silverlight compatible XAML

Adobe Illustrator to XAML Export C# Script A script for exporting Adobe Illustrator artwork in the WPF/XAML format. The script is written in C#/.Net 2.0 using the Illustrator CS2 COM Type Library. Although it is treated as a script in Illustrator, it is also a stand-alone application.

Adobe Fireworks Export to XAML The Infragistics Fireworks to XAML Exporter is a Fireworks Extension that allows you to easily convert artwork created in Adobe Fireworks to the new XAML format introduced with Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). For those of you with libraries of artwork created in Fireworks (like the Infragistics Visual Design Group), this should be welcome news! You can now reuse prior artwork, fills, and layouts in your new WPF applications.

Adobe Photoshop Export to XAML Simple, free, open-source tool for converting Photoshop .PSD files to XAML. Also supports limited SWF conversion to XAML.

Adobe Flash Export to XAML A free tool that converts Adobe/Macromedia Flash files to XAML

SVG Export to XAML Another free tool that allows you to convert SVG files to XAML files.

取自 - http://www.realsoftwaredevelopment.com/the-complete-list-of-xaml-tools/

关于.net - WPF 设计器 : What is your design process?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6853784/


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