architecture - CQRS:查询端的业务逻辑

标签 architecture domain-driven-design cqrs business-logic

遵循 CQRS(命令查询责任分离)的概念,我直接在我的 MVC 应用程序中引用 DAL,并通过 ViewModel 进行所有读取。 然而,我的一位同事问我,如果在读取时必须应用任何业务逻辑,你会怎么做。 例如如果您需要在如下场景中计算百分比值:

//Employee domain object
class Employee
    string EmpName;
    Single Wages;

//Constant declared in some utility class. This could be stored in DB also.
const Single Tax = 15;

//View Model for the Employee Screen
class EmployeeViewModel
    string EmpName;
    Single GrossWages;
    Single NetWages;

// Read Facade defined in the DAL
class ReadModel
    List<EmployeeViewModel> GetEmployeeList()
        List<EmployeeViewModel> empList = new List<EmployeeViewModel>;
        string query = "SELECT EMP_NAME, WAGES FROM EMPLOYEE";      
                new EmployeeViewModel 
                    EmpName = reader["EMP_NAME"],
                    GrossWages = reader["WAGES"],
                    NetWages = reader["WAGES"] - (reader["WAGES"]*Tax)/100 /*We could call a function here but since we are not using the business layer, the function will be defined in the DAL layer*/

在上面的示例中,在 DAL 层中发生的读取期间发生计算。我们本可以创建一个函数来进行计算,但由于我们已经绕过业务层进行读取,因此该函数将位于 DAL 中。更糟糕的是,如果 Tax 的值存储在数据库中,有人可能会直接在存储过程中的数据库中执行此操作。因此,我们可能会在其他层中泄漏业务逻辑。

你会如何在 CQRS 中处理这个问题?


我的理解是,CQRS 与 DDD 相结合会产生一个查询端,该查询端跨限界上下文聚合数据,而命令端则严格针对该特定命令的限界上下文执行命令。


然后您可以将一些 ICalculator 注入(inject)到读取端的查询处理程序中以进行业务逻辑计算。


public class EmployeeQueryHandler : EmployeeIQueryHandler
    private readonly INetWageCalculator _calculator;
    private readonly IEmployeeRepository _repo;

    public Repository(INetWageCalculator calculator, IEmployeeRepository repo)
        _calculator = calculator;
        _repo = repo;

    public List<EmployeeViewModel> ExecuteQuery()
        var employees = _repo.GetEmployeeList();

        foreach(var emp in employees)
            // You have to get tax from somewhere, perhaps its passed in as
            // a parameter...
            emp.NetWages = _calculator.Calculate(emp.GrossWages, Tax);

        return employees;

public class EmployeeRepository : IEmployeeRepository

    List<EmployeeViewModel> GetEmployeeList()
        List<EmployeeViewModel> empList = new List<EmployeeViewModel>;
        string query = "SELECT EMP_NAME, WAGES FROM EMPLOYEE";      
        while (reader.Read())
                new EmployeeViewModel
                    EmpName = reader["EMP_NAME"],
                    GrossWages = reader["WAGES"],

                    // This line moves to the query handler.
                    //NetWages = reader["WAGES"] - (reader["WAGES"] * Tax) / 100 /*We could call a function here but since we are not using the business layer, the function will be defined in the DAL layer*/



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