c# - C#中的指针替代

标签 c# .net pointers

我需要 C# 中类似 C/C++ 的指针的替代方法,以便我可以存储在构造函数中传递的变量的引用。我希望我的本地指针在每次引用值更改时更改其值。就像一个指针。但我不想在 C# 中使用真正的指针,因为它们不安全。有解决方法吗?

    class A
        public Int32 X = 10;

    class B
        public B(Int32 x)
            Y = x;

        public Int32 Y { get; set; }
    static void Main(string[] args)
        A a = new A();
        B b = new B(a.X);

        Console.WriteLine(b.Y); // 10
        a.X = 11;
        Console.WriteLine(b.Y); // 10, but I want it to be 11


忘掉指针,开始用 C# 思考,同时用 C# 编码:D


public interface IXProvider
     int X {get;}

class A : IXProvider
    public int X {get; set;} = 10;

class B
    public B(IXProvider x)
        _x = x;

    private readonly IXProvider _x;
    public int Y => _x.X;

static void Main(string[] args)
    A a = new A();
    B b = new B(a);

    Console.WriteLine(b.Y); // 10
    a.X = 11;
    Console.WriteLine(b.Y); // 11


public interface IBitmapProvider
     Bitmap X {get;}

class A : IBitmapProvider
    public Bitmap X {get; set;} = SomeBitmap;

class B
    public B(IBitmapProvider x)
        _x = x;

    private readonly IBitmapProvider _x;
    public Bitmap Y => _x.X;

static void Main(string[] args)
    A a = new A();
    B b = new B(a);

    Console.WriteLine(b.Y); // SomeBitmap
    a.X = AnotherBitmap;
    Console.WriteLine(b.Y); // AnotherBitmap

关于c# - C#中的指针替代,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63593336/


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