google-apps-script - 将电子表格本地下载到我的电脑的脚本

标签 google-apps-script google-sheets

我有 script下载我的电子表格,但它只是将它保存到谷歌驱动器。 任何人都可以帮助我知道如何将它下载到我电脑上的本地文件夹吗? 谢谢


您可能想尝试使用 Content Service :

When a script is published as a web app, the special callback functions doGet() and doPost() are invoked whenever a request is made to the script's URL. Instead of returning a user interface object created with the HTML service, the Content service can be used to return raw textual content. This allows you to write scripts that act as "services", responding to GET and POST requests and serving data of various MIME types.

您可以在那里触发下载,甚至可以通过 TextOutput.downloadAsFile 设置文件名方法。

尝试查看相关的 SO 帖子:Download file from Google Drive to local folder from Google Apps ScriptGoogle App Script ContentService downloadAsFile not working .


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