post - GPRS 模块 AT 命令 HTTP Post 请求

标签 post at-command gprs

我正在使用 Telit 的 GL865-DUAL GPRS 模块。 我正在尝试使用我的位置变量设置对网站的 HTTP POST 请求。 我能够与提供商建立一个有效的 GPRS 连接(获得 ip 地址)但是在命令后它出错了, 这是我的命令集:

"AT"                    //response: OK //build in delay of 5 seconds

Delay after each AT command set to 400miliseconds

"AT+CGMR                //response: 16.00.152 OK
"AT#QSS?"               //response: #QSS:0,1 OK
"AT#QSS=?"              // response #QSS: (0-2) OK
"AT+CMEE=1"             //response: OK
"AT+CMEE?"              // response: +CMEE: 1
"AT+CPIN?"              // response: +CPIN: READY OK
"AT+COPS?"              // response: +COPS: 0,0,"PROXIMUS" OK
"AT+CSQ"                // response: +CSQ: 20
"AT+cgatt=1"            // response: OK
"AT+CGDCONT=1,          \"IP\",\"\""     // response: OK // double quotes in c are expressed as \"
"AT+CGDCONT?"           // response: +CGDCONT: 1,"IP","","",0,0 OK
"AT#SGACT?"             // response: #SGACT: 1,0 OK
"AT#SCFG=?"             //#SCFG: (1-6,(0-5),(0-1500),(0-65535),(10-1200),(0-255) OK
"AT#SCFG=1,1,300,90,600,50"   // response: OK 
"AT#SGACT?"             //response: #SGACT: 1,0 
"AT#SGACT = 1,1"        //response: #SGACT: 178,144.233.116 OK
"AT#HTTPCFG=1,\"\",80,0,,,0,120,1"      // response: OK
"AT#HTTPSND=1,0,\"search?q=yo\",4,\"1:charset=ISO-8859-1\"test"   // response: CME Error 4

我做错了什么,是否可以举一个有效的例子? 注意:SIM 卡不需要 Pin,我的情况不需要 APN 用户和密码。




尝试删除 https://和结尾的/。 #HTTPCFG 要求主机名或 IP 地址,而不是 url。

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