makefile - 我是否应该使用 .PHONY?

标签 makefile


我正在使用生成文件来运行测试。我不确定 .PHONY 的使用。我读过这篇文章:What is the purpose of .PHONY in a makefile? , 但我仍然不确定。



    @# Clear console log before we start.

    # Make sure we are not having too much modules.
    @npm prune

    # Make sure we have the required modules.
    @npm install

    @# Clear the console, so we only see the test results.

    # Run the test.
    @./node_modules/.bin/mocha-casperjs test.js --reporter=spec


我的 make test 命令没有生成任何新文件。我是否应该使用 .PHONY: 测试?但更重要的是,为什么? (或者为什么不呢?)





If you removed the tab before them, they'd not show up either -- then they'd be make comments instead of shell comments. Anyway, this question seems to be answered quite extensively behind the link you posted. test should be phony so that touch test; make test doesn't claim that test is up to date. What exactly is still unclear?

所以答案是:“是的,我需要将 test 添加到 .PHONY,因为执行命令 touch test 会中断这个 make 命令。

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