Genymotion 和 v4l2loopback

标签 genymotion emulation v4l2loopback

我想在 Genymotion 上使用模拟网络摄像头。我在我的 Ubuntu 桌面上安装了 v4l2loopback,它工作正常(在网页或 Cheese 上),但相机在 Genymotion 上不可用。

也许是因为相机使用的是 v4l2 驱动程序?或者是否有一些精确的规范(像素格式、颜色...)可以调整?



我只是尝试将 DroidCam 用作相机,但它对我不起作用,但根据 this issue在 v4l2loopback 的存储库中,Genymotion 支持 v4l2 相机:

Under Windows the driver can only be openCV, and it's slow. However under Linux you should be able to use v4l2loopback because we use API v4l2 to read the camera video stream.

So to have a good performance we recommend using Linux with v4l2loopback instead of Windows with openCV, but we cannot guaranty that because have have never conducted any tests on that kind of user case.

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