c# - 简易喷油器 : cannot register Web API controllers with AsyncScopedLifestyle

标签 c# asp.net-web-api dependency-injection simple-injector requestscope

我正在尝试将 Simple Injector (4.0.12) 集成到我的 .NET (4.6.1) Web API 项目中,但无法找到一种方法来使用正确的 AsyncScopedLifestyle 注册所有 Web API Controller .

当我尝试像这样将 DatabaseProvider 的异步作用域实例注入(inject) Controller 时...

public class DatabaseController : ApiController
    private readonly IDatabaseProvider databaseProvider;

    public DatabaseController(IDatabaseProvider databaseProvider)
        this.databaseProvider = databaseProvider;

    public bool CheckDatabaseConnection()
        return databaseProvider.IsConnected();

...我收到一个 SimpleInjector.ActivationException 错误如下:

The DatabaseProvider is registered as 'Async Scoped' lifestyle, but the instance is requested outside the context of an active (Async Scoped) scope.


这是我注册 Controller 的代码:

public static Container Initialize()
     var container = new Container();
     container.Options.LifestyleSelectionBehavior = new CustomLifestyleSelectionBehavior();
     container.Options.DefaultScopedLifestyle = new AsyncScopedLifestyle();

     DependencyProvider.SetResolver(new SimpleInjectorDependencyProvider(container));
     GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.DependencyResolver = 
         new SimpleInjectorWebApiDependencyResolver(container);


     return container; 

public class CustomLifestyleSelectionBehavior : ILifestyleSelectionBehavior
    public Lifestyle SelectLifestyle(Type implementationType)
        if (implementationType.GetCustomAttribute<ApplicationScoped>(true) != null)
            return Lifestyle.Singleton;

        return new AsyncScopedLifestyle();

如您所见,DefaultScopedLifestyle 设置为 AsyncScopedLifestyle 并且我的 CustomLifestyleSelectionBehavior 为 Controller 返回相同的生活方式。

但是所有 Controller 似乎都被注册为Transient,因为这是所有 Controller 的container.Verify() 的输出:

Exception Type: DiagnosticVerificationException
Exception Message: The configuration is invalid.
The following diagnostic warnings were reported:

-[Disposable Transient Component] DatabaseController is registered as transient, but implements IDisposable.

-[Disposable Transient Component] LoginDataController is registered as transient, but implements IDisposable.

有人知道如何将 WebAPIController 注册的生活方式设置为 AsyncScoped 以便我可以注入(inject)异步范围的业务逻辑吗?


在 .NET Core 中添加:

// Sets up the basic configuration that for integrating Simple Injector with
// ASP.NET Core by setting the DefaultScopedLifestyle, and setting up auto
// cross wiring.
services.AddSimpleInjector(_container, options =>
    // AddAspNetCore() wraps web requests in a Simple Injector scope and
    // allows request-scoped framework services to be resolved.


关于c# - 简易喷油器 : cannot register Web API controllers with AsyncScopedLifestyle,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47884621/


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