Angular - OpenApi CodeGen - 如何在 api 请求中添加 header ?

标签 angular http-headers openapi request-headers openapi-generator

我正在使用 Angular 10。我正在使用 openapi codegen(自动生成)服务。

问题:我想在我的 header 中传递 Authorization: Token 123456 但似乎无法理解如何以及在何处添加拦截器。


    private meApi : MeService

        (data: any) => {
          this.meDetails= data;
        (err) => { console.error(err); },
        () => { }

在 ngOnInIt 中运行这个函数。我收到以下错误:

401 (Unauthorized)

因为很明显,授权 token 没有通过 API 传递。


     * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.
     * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.
    public meRead(observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/json'}): Observable<User>;
    public meRead(observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/json'}): Observable<HttpResponse<User>>;
    public meRead(observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/json'}): Observable<HttpEvent<User>>;
    public meRead(observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/json'}): Observable<any> {

        let headers = this.defaultHeaders;

        // authentication (DRF Token) required
        if (this.configuration.apiKeys) {
            const key: string | undefined = this.configuration.apiKeys["DRF Token"] || this.configuration.apiKeys["Authorization"];
            if (key) {
                headers = headers.set('Authorization', key);

        let httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = options && options.httpHeaderAccept;
        if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected === undefined) {
            // to determine the Accept header
            const httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [
            httpHeaderAcceptSelected = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);
        if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected !== undefined) {
            headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected);

如何在此请求的 header 中传递授权: token 12345?

总结:如何在openapi codegen服务文件中传递Authorization header?



您可以通过更改生成的客户端的 defaultHeaders 属性来传递 header ,或者也可以通过在 ad-hoc 属性中提供一些配置来传递 header 。 看这个blog post对于其他一些选项。

 * OpenAPI definition [...]
import { ...}

  providedIn: 'root'
export class UserControllerService {

    protected basePath = 'http://localhost:8081';
    public defaultHeaders = new HttpHeaders(); // <- here
    public configuration = new Configuration(); // <- or there
    public encoder: HttpParameterCodec;

至于通过方法调用的{httpHeaders: '/'}传递一些有用的东西,没看懂怎么办。

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