C# POS 打印机 API : can't find printer

标签 c# printing uwp posprinter

我正在尝试使用 C# POS 打印机 API 构建应用程序。

我成功运行了此处提供的示例应用程序:https://github.com/Microsoft/Windows-universal-samples/tree/master/Samples/PosPrinter ,现在我正在尝试将 API 集成到我自己的 UWP 应用程序中。


public class PrinterManager
        private PosPrinter printer = null;
        private ClaimedPosPrinter claimedPrinter = null;
        private bool printerClaimed = false;

        public PrinterManager()

        public async void EnablePrinter()
            //find printer
            printer = await PrinterHelper.GetFirstReceiptPrinterAsync();
            //claim printer
            printerClaimed = (claimedPrinter = await printer.ClaimPrinterAsync()) != null;


class PrinterHelper
    public static async Task<T> GetFirstDeviceAsync<T>(string selector, Func<string, Task<T>> convertAsync)
where T : class
        var completionSource = new TaskCompletionSource<T>();
        var pendingTasks = new List<Task>();
        DeviceWatcher watcher = DeviceInformation.CreateWatcher(selector);

        watcher.Added += (DeviceWatcher sender, DeviceInformation device) =>
            Func<string, Task> lambda = async (id) =>
                T t = await convertAsync(id);
                if (t != null)

        watcher.EnumerationCompleted += async (DeviceWatcher sender, object args) =>
            // Wait for completion of all the tasks we created in our "Added" event handler.
            await Task.WhenAll(pendingTasks);
            // This sets the result to "null" if no task was able to produce a device.


        // Wait for enumeration to complete or for a device to be found.
        T result = await completionSource.Task;


        return result;

    // By default, use all connections types.
    public static async Task<PosPrinter> GetFirstReceiptPrinterAsync(PosConnectionTypes connectionTypes = PosConnectionTypes.All)
        return await GetFirstDeviceAsync(PosPrinter.GetDeviceSelector(connectionTypes),
            async (id) =>
                PosPrinter printer = await PosPrinter.FromIdAsync(id);
                if (printer != null && printer.Capabilities.Receipt.IsPrinterPresent)
                    return printer;
                // Dispose the unwanted printer.
                return null;

我调用了 EnablePrinter(),我的应用程序运行无异常,但打印机在 printer = await PrinterHelper.GetFirstReceiptPrinterAsync(); 行被执行。



我需要转到 Package.appxmanifest --> Capabilities 并启用“服务点”。

关于C# POS 打印机 API : can't find printer,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47556149/


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