python - Pandas 'Freq' 标签中的有效值是什么?

标签 python pandas documentation dataframe frequency

我是 Pandas 的新手,正在尝试使用 date_range。我遇到了 freq 的各种好东西,例如 BMEBMS,我希望能够快速查找正确的字符串得到我想要的。昨天我在文档的某个地方找到了一个格式很好的表格,但是表格的标题太迟钝了,我今天无法使用搜索再次找到它。

什么值在 Pandas 'Freq' 标签中是有效的?


你可以找到它叫 Offset Aliases :

A number of string aliases are given to useful common time series frequencies. We will refer to these aliases as offset aliases.

Alias    Description
B        business day frequency
C        custom business day frequency
D        calendar day frequency
W        weekly frequency
M        month end frequency
SM       semi-month end frequency (15th and end of month)
BM       business month end frequency
CBM      custom business month end frequency
MS       month start frequency
SMS      semi-month start frequency (1st and 15th)
BMS      business month start frequency
CBMS     custom business month start frequency
Q        quarter end frequency
BQ       business quarter end frequency
QS       quarter start frequency
BQS      business quarter start frequency
A, Y     year end frequency
BA, BY   business year end frequency
AS, YS   year start frequency
BAS, BYS business year start frequency
BH       business hour frequency
H        hourly frequency
T, min   minutely frequency
S        secondly frequency
L, ms    milliseconds
U, us    microseconds
N        nanoseconds

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