Typescript array.map 没有正确分配交集类型

标签 typescript intersection array-map mapped-types

我有一个类型为 object[] & Tree[] 的数组,但是 arr.map(child => ...) 将子项的类型推断为 object 而不是 object & Tree


值得注意的是 Tree extends object 但 typescript 似乎没有意识到这一点并合并了交集类型的两个部分。

编辑 - 最小可重现示例:

这是人为的,但基于我最近的另一个问题 Transform a typescript object type to a mapped type that references itself

interface BasicInterface {
    name: string;
    children: object[];

function getBasic<T extends object>(input: T): BasicInterface {
    return input as BasicInterface;

export const basicTree = getBasic({
    name: 'parent',
    children: [{
        name: 'child',
        children: []

重点是下面的代码可以访问“basicTree”及其推断类型。对于这个例子,我定义了 BasicInterface,但实际上这是自动生成的,我还没有找到一种方法来编程 生成递归接口(interface)。


与其在代码中完全重新定义 BasicInterface,因为这可能是很多样板,我正在尝试 使用正确的递归定义“增强”basicTree 类型的定义。

但是当得到 child 的类型时,这会下降。也许有更简单的解决方案?

type RestoredInterface = typeof basicTree & {
    children: RestoredInterface[]

function getTree(basic: BasicInterface): RestoredInterface {
    return basic as RestoredInterface;

const restoredTree = getTree(basicTree);

const names = restoredTree.children.map(child => child.name);



type RestoredInterface = {
    children: RestoredInterface[]
} & typeof basicTree;

编辑:这是一个 explanation .


type RestoredInterface = Omit<typeof basicTree, 'children'> & {
    children: RestoredInterface[]

参见 Playground

关于Typescript array.map 没有正确分配交集类型,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60305687/


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